Historical consciousness of the ancient epoch: formation and peculiarities
historical consciousness, historiography, cyclicality, Aristotle, Plato, necessity, social idealAbstract
The peculiarities and regularities of the development of historical consciousness are considered, the cyclical nature of the reflection of the historical process in the ancient era is revealed. Considerable attention is paid to the relationship between the ideas of cyclicity and necessity in the historical consciousness of the Hellenic era. The objective conditionality of the content of the historical consciousness of the ancient epoch is shown. The evolution of views on history from Herodotus to Polybius is considered, the continuity of ideas about history of ancient historiographers and philosophers is revealed. The methodological limitations of the ancient historical consciousness are shown: the particular nature of history, the absence of a social ideal. It is concluded that this limitation is ultimately determined by the specific historical level of development of human essence.References
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