Returning home: rise of the European rationality


  • Maksim S. Legotin Perm State University, 15, Bukirev st., Perm, 614990, Russia



Pythagoreanis, zero, Dionysus, Eleusinian mysteries, catharsi, rationality, tragedy, nothingness


The process of formation of European rationality is considered, for which an excursion is made to its starting point – the Pythagorean doctrine of number. The Pythagoreans' interest in the geometrical expression of number and the resulting avoidance of zero are explained in centuries-old traditions. The origins of the Pythagorean doctrine of number are found in the Bacchic cults, the Eleusinian mysteries and related myths, as well as in ancient tragedy. A parallel is drawn between the rites in connection with death and resurrection in the Eleusinian mysteries and the theatrical performance enacted on the stage. It is shown that in both cases the purpose of influencing the audience is catharsis, purification from suffering and spiritual rebirth. An attempt is made to explain the mechanism by which the Dionysian (irrational) principle was incorporated into the cosmos of ancient culture, permeated with optimism and faith in human reason. Parallels are drawn with the modern atomized society, which at the level of mass consciousness is characterized by an attitude towards the avoidance of suffering, which ultimately turns into an increase in the number of unhappy people.

Author Biography

Maksim S. Legotin , Perm State University, 15, Bukirev st., Perm, 614990, Russia

Postgraduate student in “Social and Political Philosophy”


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