Limitations of classical logic and possibilities of non-classical systems from the point of view of artificial intelligence development
Classical and non-classical logic systems,, transformational logic,, artificial intelligenceAbstract
The article analyzes the differences between classical and non-classical logical concepts. The features and possibilities of transformational logic are considered. Specific details and proposals are analyzed, including on the example of the functioning of ChatGPT, where the use of transformational logic tools would improve the work of artificial intelligence systems. Non-classical logical systems, partly critical of classical logic systems, not only open up new prospects for studying thought structures, but also consider issues that go beyond the subject area of classical logical systems, adding the possibilities of logical science. In terms of interpreting the phenomenon of complementarity of logical concepts, the conception of polylogic by G. Brutian is valuable, the application of whose ideas will give positive results from the point of view of further development of artificial intelligence tools.References
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