Humanistic ideals of I. Kant and the field of modern law
law,, legal ideal,, duty,, humanism,, prospects of humanistic theory and practiceAbstract
The founder of German classical philosophy addressed an important topic, namely, the comprehension of the legal ideal in the sphere of practical reason through the category of oughtness. According to the philosopher's idea, the legal ideal acquired humanistic content due to following the categorical imperative: “Man is an end, not a means”. According to I. Kant, in the field of law, oughtness plays the role of a universal law, characterizing both the level of moral and moral attitudes and the level of specific models of individual behavior in society. Distinguishing between the theoretical and practical levels of law, the philosopher characterized law as the most important regulator of the existence of man and the state. In modern socio-cultural realities, the value of not only one individual, but the entire humanity is under the threat of nuclear annihilation. Posing the question of what is the role of modern law in preventing one of the significant crises of the present time, allows us to emphasize the unity of moral and legal principles in the need to humanize the existence of man and society.References
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