Socio-evolutionary explanation of military history empirical generalizations
history of wars,, empirical generalizations of wars,, territorial disputes,, democratic peace,, collegial power sharing,, checks and balances,, great powersAbstract
The emergence and dynamics of wars are not strictly regular, predictable phenomena, but neither are they completely random. Based on the analysis of the results of a wide range of studies of military history, Greg Cashman has formulated several empirical regularities that require theoretical explanation and socio-philosophical understanding. The article addresses such issues as wars between contiguous neighbors and stable rivals, territorial disputes, inequality of power, and the role of belligerent powers. Special theoretical attention is paid to the concept of democratic peace, which goes back to the ideas of I. Kant. It is shown that normative and economic arguments are weak, while the institutional explanation is more plausible. The system of checks and balances, understood as a high degree of collegial power sharing, is an important factor preventing the outbreak of new wars.References
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