
  • E. Yu. Zubkova
  • I. V. Narskii
  • G. A. Orlova


Galina Yankovskaya, visual turn, cultural history, culture of Stalinism, photographic practice, social history of art, Soviet life, public history, a jubilee, historian path, (world) picture, life narrative


The article, which dedicated to the jubilee of Galina Yankovskaya could be characterized as a collage consisted of fragments of different styles and compositions. Three authors use a date in a historian’s biography as a reason for thinking about interdisciplinary trends in modern historical science and play with the genres of historical narratives. E.Yu. Zubkova shares her vision of the situation in the historiography of late Stalinism and highlights the intersections of her own interpretations of this period with the works of G. Yankovskaya. I.V. Narsky imagined a conversation that could take place between him and the hero of the day about the key issues of visual historical research and new cultural history. Based on the the 2007-2008 monographs on Soviet artists of the Stalinist era and on private photographic practice in the USSR, participants in the imaginary discussion will address a range of issues of concern to them. Two books and their reviews are used as material for a virtual discussion on key issues of visual historical research and new cultural history. These include the impact of the country's development in the 1990s on the research interests of young historians, the origins of the 'visual turn' and its relationship to the shift in interest of Russian historians from events, structures and processes to 'ordinary' people, and the prospects and difficulties of working with the image as a historical source. G.A. Orlova in the first part of her section raises the question of the screen nature of a jubilee. The hero of the day’s statement, that a professional historian should enhance the complexity of the world picture, is contextualized and problematized. In the second part, the results of curating a biographical conversation with Galina Yankovskaya are presented in the form of nine screen-shorts. The life on the big river under late socialism and the river as a frame for the temporal experience of the historian are in focus.


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How to Cite

Zubkova Е. Ю. ., Narskii И. В. ., & Orlova Г. А. . (2024). COMPLICATING THE (WORLD) PICTURE. PERM UNIVERSITY HERALD. History, 65(2), 194–209. Retrieved from