
  • N. B. Krylasova
  • P. A. Kosintsev


archaeology of the Middle Ages, paleozoology, Perm Cis-Urals, nature-made charms, mammals


Mammal bone charms held a special place in the culture of the Finno-Ugrian people of the Perm Cis-Urals. Apart from the drilled hole, these bones were not treated in any way. Analysis of charms unearthed in medieval settlements and burial sites showed that particular parts of the mammal’s skeleton were used – mandibles of fur animals (marten, beaver, fox) and teeth, as well as talus bones of beavers and small cattle. Other bones, such as bears’ ungual phalanxes, otters’ penile bones, martens’ and hares’ lower extremities and reindeer’s prongs, were less common. As for the teeth, they comprise the incisors of large ungulate animals (cattle, horses, moose deer) and the fangs of a wider range of species (martens, foxes, dogs, horses, pigs, and bears). In terms of species, there are parts of skeletons of both domestic animals (big and small cattle, horses, less commonly dogs and pigs) and wild animals (moose deer, bears, martens, foxes, beavers, otters, and hares). The finds from the burial sites showed that bear jaws and fangs, as well as beaver talus bones, were usually worn on belts, while marten and fox fangs were typically part of women’s necklaces. Judging by the age and sex of the persons buried with these charms, they were the most vulnerable members of their community – children, old people and women. Charms could not have any connection with any cults or faiths cultivated within a given community, since kinds of charms such as bear fangs and claws, beaver talus bones and teeth of certain animals were widespread, their popularity extremely scattered in terms of time and space. Mammal bone charms were seen as personal helpers and were associated with superstitions rather than faith.


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How to Cite

Krylasova, N. B., & Kosintsev, P. A. (2021). NATURE-MADE CHARMS OF MAMMAL BONE IN THE MEDIEVAL PERM CIS-URALS. PERM UNIVERSITY HERALD. History, 52(1), 81–93. Retrieved from