References Averenkova, N.V. (2006), Obrazy liberala v ural'skoy pechati v period Pervoy rossiyskoy revolyutsii [Images of a liberal in the Ural press during the First Russian revolution], PhD dissertation, South Ural State University, Chelyabinsk, Russia, 210 p. Bark, P.L. (2017), Vospominaniya poslednego ministra finansov Rossiyskoy imperii. 1914 – 1917 [Memories of the last Minister of Finance of the Russian Empire. 1914–1917], Kuchkovo pole; Megapolis, Moscow, Russia, Vol. 1, 496 p.; Vol. 2, 552 p. Barykina, I.E. (2018), Gosudarstvennoe upravlenie Rossii vtoroy poloviny ХIХ veka (osobye formy i spetsial'nye instituty) [Public administration of Russia in the second half of the 19th century (special forms and special institutions)], Nestor-Istoriya, St. Petersburg, Russia, 368 p. Bel'gard, A.V. (2009), Vospominaniya [Memories], Novoe literaturnoe obozrenie, Moscow, Russia, 688 p. Bibikova, L.V. (2012), “Liberal movement through the eyes of the political police of the Russian Empire (1880–1905)”, Russkiy sbornik: issledovaniya po istorii Rossii, Vol. ХI, pp. 148–173. Bogdanovich, A.V. (1990), Tri poslednih samoderzhtsa. Dnevnik [The last three autocrats. Diary], «Novosti», Moscow, Russia, 608 p. Denisov, D.A. (2009), “Identification of the enemy's image in political communication”, Vestnik RGGU. Seriya «Politologiya. Sotsial'no-kommunikativnye nauki», Vol. 1, pp. 113– 26. Dzhunkovskiy, V.F. (1997), Vospominaniya [Memories], Izd-vo im. Sabashnikovyh, Moscow, Russia, Vol. 1, 736 p. Egorov, A.N. (2012), “The image of the liberal in the conservative journalism of the Russian Empire of the early 20th century”, Uchenye zapiski Petrozavodskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta, Vol. 5, pp. 17–20. Egorov, A.N. (2013), “Formation of the image of the liberal in conservative circles of the Russian Empire in the second half of the 19th century (on the example of Prince V.P. Meshchersky)”, Uchenye zapiski Petroza-vodskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta, Vol. 5, pp. 7–11. Globachev, K.I. (2009), Pravda o russkoy revolyutsii: Vospominaniya byvshego nachal'nika Petrogradskogo ohrannogo otdeleniya [The truth about the Russian revolution: Memories of the former head of the Petrograd security department], ROSSPEN, Moscow, Russia, 519 p. Gudkov, L.D. (2005), “The ideology of the "enemy": "Enemies" as a mass syndrome and a mechanism of socio-cultural integration”, in Obraz vraga [Enemy image], OGI, Moscow, Russia, pp. 7–79. Gurko, V.I. (2000), Cherty i siluety proshlogo: pravitel'stvo i obshchestvennost' v tsarstvovanie Nikolaya II v izobrazhenii sovremennika [Features and silhouettes of the past: the government and the public in the reign of Nicholas II in the image of a contemporary], Novoe literaturnoe obozrenie, Moscow, Russia, 810 p. Iz arhiva S.Yu. Vitte. Vospominaniya (2003) [From the archive of Sergey Witte. Memories], Dmitriy Bulanin, St. Petersburg, Russia, Vol. 2, 650 p. Kalashnikov, M.V. (2012), “The concept of liberalism in Russian public consciousness of the 19th century”, in «Ponyatiya o Rossii»: K istoricheskoy semantike imperskogo perioda ["Concepts of Russia": to the historical semantics of the imperial period], Vol. 1, Novoe literaturnoe obozrenie, Moscow, Russia, pp. 464–513. Kokovtsov, V.N. (1992), Iz moego proshlogo. Vospominaniya. 1903–1919 gg. [From my past. Memory lane. 1903–1919], Nauka, Moscow, Russia, Vol. 1, 447 p. Kolonitskiy, B.I. (2010), «Tragicheskaya erotika»: Obrazy imperatorskoy semyi v gody Pervoy mirovoy voyny ["Tragic erotica": Images of the imperial family during the First World War], Novoe literaturnoe obozrenie, Moscow, Russia, 664 p. Kolonitskiy, B.I. (2017), «Tovarishch Kerenskiy»: antimonarhicheskaya revolyutsiya i formirovanie kul'ta «vozhdya narodov» (mart – iyun' 1917 goda) [“Comrade Kerensky”: the anti-monarchist revolution and the formation of the cult of the "leader of peoples "(March – Yune 1917)], Novoe literaturnoe obozrenie, Moscow, Russia, 520 p. Koshko, I.F. (1916), Vospominaniya gubernatora (1905 – 1914 g.). Novgorod – Samara – Penza [Memories of the Governor (1905 – 1914). Novgorod – Samara – Penza], w.p., Petrograd, Russia, 259 p. Kropotkin, G.M. (2007), Pravyashchaya byurokratiya i «novyy stroy» v Rossii (1905 – 1907 gg.) [The ruling bureaucracy and the "new system" in Russia (1905-1907)], Extended abstract of PhD dissertation, Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia, 29 p. Lopuhin, V.B. (2008), Zapiski byvshego direktora departamenta Ministerstva inostrannyh del [Notes by the former Director of the Department of the Ministry of foreign Affairs], Nestor-Istoriya, St. Petersburg, Russia, 540 p. Memuary grafa I.I. Tolstogo (2002) [The memoirs of count I. I. Tolstoy], Indrik, Moscow, Russia, 464 p. Narskiy, I.V. (1997), “Russian liberalism in the European and national context (historiographical paradox)”, in Zevelev, A.I. & V.V. Shelokhaev (ed.), Istoriya natsional'nyh politicheskih partiy v Rossii [History of national political parties in Russia], ROSSPEN, Moscow, Russia, pp. 335–355. Osorgin, M.M. (2009), Vospominaniya, ili chto ya slyshal, chto ya videl i chto ya delal v techenie moey zhizni, 1861 – 1920 [Memories, or what I heard, what I saw and what I did during my life, 1861-1920], Ros. fond kul'tury i dr., Moscow, Russia, 1000 p. Partiya «Soyuz 17 oktyabrya». Protokoly s"ezdov, konferentsiy i zasedaniy TsK (1996) [Party "Union of October 17". Minutes of congresses, conferences and meetings of the Central Committee], ROSSPEN, Moscow, Russia, Vol. 1, 408 p. Pokrovskiy, N.N. (2015), Posledniy v Mariinskom dvorce: Vospominaniya ministra inostrannyh del [The latest in Mariinsky Palace: memoirs of a Minister of foreign Affairs], Novoe literaturnoe obozrenie, Moscow, Russia, 488 p. Polovtsov, A.A. (2015), Dnevnik. 1893 – 1909 [Diary. 1893 – 1909], ANO «Zhenskiy proekt»: Aleteyya, St. Pe-tersburg, Russia, 704 p. Senyavskaya, E.S. (2006), Protivniki Rossii v voynah XX v.: evolyutsiya obraza vraga v soznanii armii i ob-shchestva [Opponents of Russia in the wars of the 20th century: evolution of the image of the enemy in the minds of the army and society], ROSSPEN, Moscow, Russia, 288 p. Solovyev, K.A. (2012), “Political culture”, in Ocherki istorii russkoy kul'tury. Konets ХIХ – nachalo ХХ veka. T. 2: Vlast'. Obshchestvo. Kul'tura [Essays on the history of Russian culture. Late XIX – early XX century. Vol. 2: Power. Society. Culture], Izd-vo Moskovskogo universiteta, Moscow, Russia, pp. 74–160. Tyrkova-Vil'yams, A.V. (1998), Vospominaniya. To, chego bol'she ne budet [Memories. What will never happen again], SLOVO/CLOVO, Moscow, Russia, 560 p. Ulyanova, L.V. (2009), Politicheskaya politsiya i liberal'noe dvizhenie, 1880 – oktyabr' 1905 g. [The political police and the liberal movement, 1880 – October 1905], Extended abstract of PhD dissertation, Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia, 24 p. Vasil'chikov, B.A. (2003), Vospominaniya [Memories], Nashe nasledie, Moscow, Russia, 271 p. Vasilyev, N.P. (1912), Pravda o kadetah [Truth about cadets], w.p., St. Petersburg, Russia, 88 p. Vitte, S.Yu. (1960), Vospominaniya [Memories], Sotsekgiz, Moscow, Russia, Vol. 2, 639 p.; Vol. 3, 723 p. Vospominaniya: iz bumag S.E. Kryzhanovskogo, poslednego gosudarstvennogo sekretarya Rossiyskoy imperii (2009) [Memories: from the papers of S. E. Kryzhanovsky, the last Secretary of state of the Russian Empire], RNB, St. Petersburg, Russia, 228 p. Vybory v I-IV Gosudarstvennye dumy Rossiyskoy imperii (Vospominaniya sovremennikov. Materialy i dokumen-ty) (2008) [Elections to the I-IV state Duma of the Russian Empire (Memoirs of contemporaries. Materials and documents)], TsIK RF, Moscow, Russia, 860 p. Zinovyev, L.A. (2017), V ogne trekh revolyutsiy: Vospominaniya [In the fire of three revolutions: Memories], Russkiy put', Moscow, Russia, 312 p.


  • A. N. Yegorov


enemy image, the Cadets, Russian liberalism, the State Duma, administrative elite, governors, ministers


Based on narrative sources, the article analyzes the image of a member of the Constitutional Democratic Party in the circles of the Russian administrative elite of the early 20th century: ministers, senior officials, governors, etc. The memoirs of S.Y. Witte, S.E. Kryzhanovsky, V.N. Kokovtsov, P.L. Bark, A.A. Polovtsev, M.M. Osorgin, etc. were used. It is shown that the Cadets were perceived as doctrinaires who were detached from the life and did not understand the urgent needs of the country because of their blind commitment to abstract Western ideas. In the eyes of the highest bureaucracy, by offering an alternative model of the state development, the Cadets turned into fighters with the foundations of the existing system. Cadet politics was regarded as an unprincipled struggle for power in alliance with revolutionary parties; their program was contrary to the interests of the state, and liberal criticism of the actions of the authorities was seen as a "mockery" of the bureaucracy. Equating their ideas and the needs of the country, the highest administrative elite used the image of the Cadet as an "unscrupulous revolutionary" to justify the uselessness of radical reforms and maintain their position. The author compares this image with the one widespread in the right circles of the Russian Empire. The most important differences were the absence of anti-Semitism widespread in the right circles and the disbelief of the administrative elite in the legend of the conspiracy of some "dark forces" against Russia. Accordingly, the Cadets were perceived as a self-sufficient force, and not as servants of anti-Russian forces. It is concluded that there was an extremely negative image of the Cadets in bureaucratic circles, which excluded any possibility to find a compromise between the government and society. 


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Averenkova, N.V. (2006), Obrazy liberala v ural'skoy pechati v period Pervoy rossiyskoy revolyutsii [Images of a liberal in the Ural press during the First Russian revolution], PhD dissertation, South Ural State University, Chelyabinsk, Russia, 210 p.

Bark, P.L. (2017), Vospominaniya poslednego ministra finansov Rossiyskoy imperii. 1914 – 1917 [Memories of the last Minister of Finance of the Russian Empire. 1914–1917], Kuchkovo pole; Megapolis, Moscow, Russia, Vol. 1, 496 p.; Vol. 2, 552 p.

Barykina, I.E. (2018), Gosudarstvennoe upravlenie Rossii vtoroy poloviny ХIХ veka (osobye formy i spetsial'nye instituty) [Public administration of Russia in the second half of the 19th century (special forms and special institutions)], Nestor-Istoriya, St. Petersburg, Russia, 368 p.

Bel'gard, A.V. (2009), Vospominaniya [Memories], Novoe literaturnoe obozrenie, Moscow, Russia, 688 p.

Bibikova, L.V. (2012), “Liberal movement through the eyes of the political police of the Russian Empire (1880–1905)”, Russkiy sbornik: issledovaniya po istorii Rossii, Vol. ХI, pp. 148–173.

Bogdanovich, A.V. (1990), Tri poslednih samoderzhtsa. Dnevnik [The last three autocrats. Diary], «Novosti», Moscow, Russia, 608 p.

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Dzhunkovskiy, V.F. (1997), Vospominaniya [Memories], Izd-vo im. Sabashnikovyh, Moscow, Russia, Vol. 1, 736 p.

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Egorov, A.N. (2013), “Formation of the image of the liberal in conservative circles of the Russian Empire in the second half of the 19th century (on the example of Prince V.P. Meshchersky)”, Uchenye zapiski Petroza-vodskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta, Vol. 5, pp. 7–11.

Globachev, K.I. (2009), Pravda o russkoy revolyutsii: Vospominaniya byvshego nachal'nika Petrogradskogo ohrannogo otdeleniya [The truth about the Russian revolution: Memories of the former head of the Petrograd security department], ROSSPEN, Moscow, Russia, 519 p.

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Iz arhiva S.Yu. Vitte. Vospominaniya (2003) [From the archive of Sergey Witte. Memories], Dmitriy Bulanin, St. Petersburg, Russia, Vol. 2, 650 p.

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Kokovtsov, V.N. (1992), Iz moego proshlogo. Vospominaniya. 1903–1919 gg. [From my past. Memory lane. 1903–1919], Nauka, Moscow, Russia, Vol. 1, 447 p.

Kolonitskiy, B.I. (2010), «Tragicheskaya erotika»: Obrazy imperatorskoy semyi v gody Pervoy mirovoy voyny ["Tragic erotica": Images of the imperial family during the First World War], Novoe literaturnoe obozrenie, Moscow, Russia, 664 p.

Kolonitskiy, B.I. (2017), «Tovarishch Kerenskiy»: antimonarhicheskaya revolyutsiya i formirovanie kul'ta «vozhdya narodov» (mart – iyun' 1917 goda) [“Comrade Kerensky”: the anti-monarchist revolution and the formation of the cult of the "leader of peoples "(March – Yune 1917)], Novoe literaturnoe obozrenie, Moscow, Russia, 520 p.

Koshko, I.F. (1916), Vospominaniya gubernatora (1905 – 1914 g.). Novgorod – Samara – Penza [Memories of the Governor (1905 – 1914). Novgorod – Samara – Penza], w.p., Petrograd, Russia, 259 p.

Kropotkin, G.M. (2007), Pravyashchaya byurokratiya i «novyy stroy» v Rossii (1905 – 1907 gg.) [The ruling bureaucracy and the "new system" in Russia (1905-1907)], Extended abstract of PhD dissertation, Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia, 29 p.

Lopuhin, V.B. (2008), Zapiski byvshego direktora departamenta Ministerstva inostrannyh del [Notes by the former Director of the Department of the Ministry of foreign Affairs], Nestor-Istoriya, St. Petersburg, Russia, 540 p.

Memuary grafa I.I. Tolstogo (2002) [The memoirs of count I. I. Tolstoy], Indrik, Moscow, Russia, 464 p.

Narskiy, I.V. (1997), “Russian liberalism in the European and national context (historiographical paradox)”, in Zevelev, A.I. & V.V. Shelokhaev (ed.), Istoriya natsional'nyh politicheskih partiy v Rossii [History of national political parties in Russia], ROSSPEN, Moscow, Russia, pp. 335–355.

Osorgin, M.M. (2009), Vospominaniya, ili chto ya slyshal, chto ya videl i chto ya delal v techenie moey zhizni, 1861 – 1920 [Memories, or what I heard, what I saw and what I did during my life, 1861-1920], Ros. fond kul'tury i dr., Moscow, Russia, 1000 p.

Partiya «Soyuz 17 oktyabrya». Protokoly s"ezdov, konferentsiy i zasedaniy TsK (1996) [Party "Union of October 17". Minutes of congresses, conferences and meetings of the Central Committee], ROSSPEN, Moscow, Russia, Vol. 1, 408 p.

Pokrovskiy, N.N. (2015), Posledniy v Mariinskom dvorce: Vospominaniya ministra inostrannyh del [The latest in Mariinsky Palace: memoirs of a Minister of foreign Affairs], Novoe literaturnoe obozrenie, Moscow, Russia, 488 p.

Polovtsov, A.A. (2015), Dnevnik. 1893 – 1909 [Diary. 1893 – 1909], ANO «Zhenskiy proekt»: Aleteyya, St. Pe-tersburg, Russia, 704 p.

Senyavskaya, E.S. (2006), Protivniki Rossii v voynah XX v.: evolyutsiya obraza vraga v soznanii armii i ob-shchestva [Opponents of Russia in the wars of the 20th century: evolution of the image of the enemy in the minds of the army and society], ROSSPEN, Moscow, Russia, 288 p.

Solovyev, K.A. (2012), “Political culture”, in Ocherki istorii russkoy kul'tury. Konets ХIХ – nachalo ХХ veka. T. 2: Vlast'. Obshchestvo. Kul'tura [Essays on the history of Russian culture. Late XIX – early XX century. Vol. 2: Power. Society. Culture], Izd-vo Moskovskogo universiteta, Moscow, Russia, pp. 74–160.

Tyrkova-Vil'yams, A.V. (1998), Vospominaniya. To, chego bol'she ne budet [Memories. What will never happen again], SLOVO/CLOVO, Moscow, Russia, 560 p.

Ulyanova, L.V. (2009), Politicheskaya politsiya i liberal'noe dvizhenie, 1880 – oktyabr' 1905 g. [The political police and the liberal movement, 1880 – October 1905], Extended abstract of PhD dissertation, Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia, 24 p.

Vasil'chikov, B.A. (2003), Vospominaniya [Memories], Nashe nasledie, Moscow, Russia, 271 p.

Vasilyev, N.P. (1912), Pravda o kadetah [Truth about cadets], w.p., St. Petersburg, Russia, 88 p.

Vitte, S.Yu. (1960), Vospominaniya [Memories], Sotsekgiz, Moscow, Russia, Vol. 2, 639 p.; Vol. 3, 723 p.

Vospominaniya: iz bumag S.E. Kryzhanovskogo, poslednego gosudarstvennogo sekretarya Rossiyskoy imperii (2009) [Memories: from the papers of S. E. Kryzhanovsky, the last Secretary of state of the Russian Empire], RNB, St. Petersburg, Russia, 228 p.

Vybory v I-IV Gosudarstvennye dumy Rossiyskoy imperii (Vospominaniya sovremennikov. Materialy i dokumen-ty) (2008) [Elections to the I-IV state Duma of the Russian Empire (Memoirs of contemporaries. Materials and documents)], TsIK RF, Moscow, Russia, 860 p.

Zinovyev, L.A. (2017), V ogne trekh revolyutsiy: Vospominaniya [In the fire of three revolutions: Memories], Russkiy put', Moscow, Russia, 312 p.



How to Cite

Yegorov, A. N. (2020). References Averenkova, N.V. (2006), Obrazy liberala v ural’skoy pechati v period Pervoy rossiyskoy revolyutsii [Images of a liberal in the Ural press during the First Russian revolution], PhD dissertation, South Ural State University, Chelyabinsk, Russia, 210 p. Bark, P.L. (2017), Vospominaniya poslednego ministra finansov Rossiyskoy imperii. 1914 – 1917 [Memories of the last Minister of Finance of the Russian Empire. 1914–1917], Kuchkovo pole; Megapolis, Moscow, Russia, Vol. 1, 496 p.; Vol. 2, 552 p. Barykina, I.E. (2018), Gosudarstvennoe upravlenie Rossii vtoroy poloviny ХIХ veka (osobye formy i spetsial’nye instituty) [Public administration of Russia in the second half of the 19th century (special forms and special institutions)], Nestor-Istoriya, St. Petersburg, Russia, 368 p. Bel’gard, A.V. (2009), Vospominaniya [Memories], Novoe literaturnoe obozrenie, Moscow, Russia, 688 p. Bibikova, L.V. (2012), “Liberal movement through the eyes of the political police of the Russian Empire (1880–1905)”, Russkiy sbornik: issledovaniya po istorii Rossii, Vol. ХI, pp. 148–173. Bogdanovich, A.V. (1990), Tri poslednih samoderzhtsa. Dnevnik [The last three autocrats. Diary], «Novosti», Moscow, Russia, 608 p. Denisov, D.A. (2009), “Identification of the enemy’s image in political communication”, Vestnik RGGU. Seriya «Politologiya. Sotsial’no-kommunikativnye nauki», Vol. 1, pp. 113– 26. Dzhunkovskiy, V.F. (1997), Vospominaniya [Memories], Izd-vo im. Sabashnikovyh, Moscow, Russia, Vol. 1, 736 p. Egorov, A.N. (2012), “The image of the liberal in the conservative journalism of the Russian Empire of the early 20th century”, Uchenye zapiski Petrozavodskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta, Vol. 5, pp. 17–20. Egorov, A.N. (2013), “Formation of the image of the liberal in conservative circles of the Russian Empire in the second half of the 19th century (on the example of Prince V.P. Meshchersky)”, Uchenye zapiski Petroza-vodskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta, Vol. 5, pp. 7–11. Globachev, K.I. (2009), Pravda o russkoy revolyutsii: Vospominaniya byvshego nachal’nika Petrogradskogo ohrannogo otdeleniya [The truth about the Russian revolution: Memories of the former head of the Petrograd security department], ROSSPEN, Moscow, Russia, 519 p. Gudkov, L.D. (2005), “The ideology of the "enemy": "Enemies" as a mass syndrome and a mechanism of socio-cultural integration”, in Obraz vraga [Enemy image], OGI, Moscow, Russia, pp. 7–79. Gurko, V.I. (2000), Cherty i siluety proshlogo: pravitel’stvo i obshchestvennost’ v tsarstvovanie Nikolaya II v izobrazhenii sovremennika [Features and silhouettes of the past: the government and the public in the reign of Nicholas II in the image of a contemporary], Novoe literaturnoe obozrenie, Moscow, Russia, 810 p. Iz arhiva S.Yu. Vitte. Vospominaniya (2003) [From the archive of Sergey Witte. 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