On the correlation of the Glyadenovo bone bed sanctuary (4th century BC – 4 th century AD) and the idol sanctuary from the hagiography of Tryphon of Vyatka (the second half of 16th century)


  • G. P. Golovchansky Perm State University
  • A. F. Melnichuk Perm State University
  • D. V. Tretyakov Perm State University


Christianization of Perm the Great, Glyadenovo bene bed, material culture, Tryphon of Vyatka, missionary activity


The Glyadenovo bone bed sanctuary is traditionally associated with the monastic exploits of the missionary Tryphon of Vyatka (16th century). It is believed that the monument of archaeology is related to the episode described in the hagiography of Tryphon of Vyatka. Tryphon appeared in the residence of Ostyak-Vogul (Khanty and Mansi) people on the Lower Mulyanka river, and cut down the sacred fir, which grew in a pagan temple. However, written data and archaeological sources indicate that during the period of Tryphon’s activities, the pagan Bashkir population, as well as the Muslim Tatar population lived in the valley of the Lower Mulyanka river. No evidence was found of the functioning of the Glyadenovo sanctuary in the 16th century. When writing the hagiography, an attempt was made to create a version of the early biography of Tryphon, in which missionary feats in the Vyatka land would become a logical continuation of the early activity of the monk. In the hagiography, the parallels with the activities of another saint – St. Stephen – were conducted but they were not based on the actual situation. The authors conclude that the Glyadenovo bone bed sanctuary is not related to the activities of Tryphon of Vyatka. doi: 10.17072/2219-3111-2017-1-122-128

Author Biographies

G. P. Golovchansky, Perm State University

Candidate of Science in History, Associate Professor, Department of Ancient and Modern History of Russia, Perm State University, Chief of the Kama Archaeological Expedition (Russia)

A. F. Melnichuk, Perm State University

Candidate of Science in History, Associate Professor, Department of Ancient and Modern Russian History, Perm State National Research University (Russia)

D. V. Tretyakov, Perm State University

Postgraduate Student, Department of Ancient and Modern History of Russia, Perm State University; Teacher, Perm Orthodox Classical Gymnasium (Russia)


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How to Cite

Golovchansky, G. P., Melnichuk, A. F., & Tretyakov, D. V. (2020). On the correlation of the Glyadenovo bone bed sanctuary (4th century BC – 4 th century AD) and the idol sanctuary from the hagiography of Tryphon of Vyatka (the second half of 16th century). PERM UNIVERSITY HERALD. History, 36(1), 122–128. Retrieved from https://press.psu.ru/index.php/history/article/view/2938

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