MEMENTO MULIER: on the anniversary of the creator of gender history and anthropology studies in Russia


  • Z. Z. Mukhina Ugarov Stary Oskol Technological Institute - branch of the National Research University "MISIS"
  • A. V. Belova Tver' State University


women's history, gender history, gender anthropology, feminism, daily history, Natalia Pushkareva, RAFHR


The consideration is given to the role of Natalia Pushkareva in creating and developing gender history and anthropology trends in Russian humanities. In the 1980s, Pushkareva marked the beginning of the study of women's history in Russia. The stages of her professional development and the most important academic achievements in the field of gender studies are shown in the article. The authors reveal the features of research techniques of the scholar. She formed an academic school in gender history by leading the sector of ethno-gender studies in the Institute for Ethnography and Anthropology of Russian Academy of Sciences. She actively introduced new methodological approaches, convincing that gender studies are an integrative direction of modern social and humanitarian knowledge, that borrows approaches and research techniques from sociology, political science, psychology, linguistics, literary criticism, etc. Attention is paid to the activities of the Russian Association of Female History Researchers (RAFHR) founded and headed by Pushkareva. The non-profit organization unites lecturers and researchers in women’s history. The article assesses Pushkareva’s academic contribution to enhancing the heuristic significance of historical research potential for studying systems of gender relations. Attention is also paid to the international resonance of Pushkareva’s activities, whose works were published and republished not only in Russia, but in other countries as well, and were marked by numerous foreign reviews and professional awards, which means the international recognition of her achievements.doi 10.17072/2219-3111-2019-3-67-75

Author Biographies

Z. Z. Mukhina, Ugarov Stary Oskol Technological Institute - branch of the National Research University "MISIS"

Doctor of Science in History, Professor, Head of the Department of Humanities, Stary Oskol Technological Institute – branch of the National University of Science and Technology “Moscow Insti-tute of Steel and Alloys” (Russia)

A. V. Belova, Tver' State University

Doctor of Science in History, Head of the Department oа General History, Tver State University (Russia)


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How to Cite

Mukhina, Z. Z., & Belova, A. V. (2019). MEMENTO MULIER: on the anniversary of the creator of gender history and anthropology studies in Russia. PERM UNIVERSITY HERALD. History, 46(3), 67–75. Retrieved from