Debatable Questions of the History of the Trans-Uralian Turks Incorporation into the Russian State
uezd, podat’, yasak people, votchina right, Bashkirs, Voguls, TatarsAbstract
The article analyzes some existing stereotypes regarding the history of the incorporation of the Trans-Uralian Turks into the Russian State in the late 16 th century. It is considered that the Trans-Uralian Turkic clans tabyn, bakatin and synryan were conquered by force and became the Russian subjects in the 1610s or 1630s, in comparison to the Zis-Uralian Turks who voluntary incorporated into the Russian State in 1554–1557. Different scholars reproduced the opinion that, due to the fact that the Trans-Uralian Bashkirs were conquered, they paid bigger yasak (in comparison to the Zis-Uralian Bashkirs) and gosudarevy and voevodskie “pominki” and were deprived of votchina rights on the land. By studying the documents, including published materials, the author demonstrates the inconsistency of the thesis mentioned above. A part of tabyn, bakatin and synryan clan groups held up Khan Kuchum and then his descendants in the conflict with the Russian State. But, at the same time, in Karatabynskaya (Tabynskaya) and Synryanskaya volosts in Tyumen and Ufa uezds, the population paid yasak and performed other duties of the yasak subjects. The documents confirm the availability of the votchina rights for all Turkic clans of the Trans-Urals. Yasak rate of the Trans-Uralian Turks was comparable to the Zis-Uralian Bashkirs’ rate and was quite small in some cases, for example, for Tabyns who paid one fox per year. It is possible that this myth is not the only stereotype, and the history of the incorporation of the Trans-Uralian Turks into the Russian Trans-Urals demands more studies based on relevant sources.doi 10.17072/2219-3111-2019-2-5-13References
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