Immunobiological activity indenopyrroles and indenopyridazines

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Oksana N. Gein
Sergey V. Gein
Ekaterina G. Chizhova
Natalia V. Nosova


The availability of highly effective drugs with minimal side effects is essential in medical practice. In this regard, the search for pharmacologically active substances of plant and chemical origin is being actively pursued. Promising in terms of the search for biologically active compounds are derivatives of pyrrole and pyridazine - indenopyrroles and indenopyridazines. Evaluation of the effect of these compounds on the functional activity of the immune system is relevant, since the immune system plays one of the key roles in maintaining homeostasis in the body. As objects of study, we took indenopyrroles (1a-d) and indenopyridazines (2a-d), which differ in the presence of various substituents in the molecular structure. o assess the effect of the test compounds on the phagocytic activity of rat peripheral blood leukocytes in the in vivo system, the test substances were administered to animals intraperitoneally in 2% starch mucus at a dose of 100 mg/kg. Blood samples were taken from the tail vein. Determination of the phagocytic activity of leukocytes was carried out by the standard method in modification. The results were taken into account microscopically. The cellularity of the spleen was counted, the number of antibody-forming cells in the spleen was assessed by local hemolysis in agarose gel according to Jerne. The effect of the studied compounds on cellular immunity was assessed using a delayed-type hypersensitivity reaction. We have revealed a predominantly stimulating effect, first of all, of indenopyrroles on the phagocytic activity of neutrophils and general leukocyte phagocytosis. Indenopyrroles decreased the cellularity of the spleen and reduced the number of antibody-forming cells. Indenopyridazines had a multidirectional effect on antibody genesis. The test compounds did not change the severity of the delayed-type hypersensitivity reaction.

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How to Cite
Gein О. Н., Gein С. В. ., Chizhova Е. Г. ., & Nosova Н. В. . (2023). Immunobiological activity indenopyrroles and indenopyridazines. Bulletin of Perm University. Biology, (3), 274–279.
Author Biographies

Oksana N. Gein, Perm State Pharmaceutical Academy of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Perm, Russia

Candidate of Biological Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Pharmacology

Sergey V. Gein, Institute of Ecology and Genetics of Microorganisms of the Ural Branch of the RAS, Perm, Russia

Doctor of Medical Sciences, Director

Ekaterina G. Chizhova, Institute of Ecology and Genetics of Microorganisms of the Ural Branch of the RAS, Perm, Russia

Engineer of the Laboratory of Biochemistry of the Development of Microorganisms

Natalia V. Nosova, Perm State Pharmaceutical Academy of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Perm, Russia

Candidate of Chemical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of General and Organic Chemistry


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