Comparison of the species composition of Lagomorpha and Rodentia in the Samur-Devechi lowland and the Zaqatala-Lahyj physiographic region of Azerbaijan

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Aynur Sh. Ibrahimli


This article presents the results of a comparative analysis of two physiographic regions of Azerbaijan. 19 species of lagomorphs and rodents are registered in the Samur-Davachi physiographic region. 7 Western Asian species predominate in this area (36.84%): Lepus europaeus, Hystrix indica, Allactaga euphratica, Cricetulus migratorius, Meriones libycus, Microtus sosialis, Sylvaemus witherbyi. 6 (31.58%) species (Glis glis, Dryomys nitedula, Microtus arvalis, Micromys minutus, Apodemus agrarius, Apodemus (Sylvaemus) uralensis) are of European origin, 3 (15.78%) species (Arvicola amphibius,Microtus majori, Mus musculus) are of  widely distributed in Palearctic, 1 (5.26%) species (Allactaga elater) is of Turanian origin, 1 (5.26%) species (Rattus norvegicus) is listed as an alien species and 1(5.26%) species (Apodemus(Sylvaemus)ponticus) is Caucasus endemic. Major species are of Western Asian and European origin, and least ones of turanian origin. South Asian species are not found. An analysis carried out in the Zaqatala-Lahyj physiographic region showed that 4 (21.05%) species (Arvicola amphibius, Microtus majori, Mus musculus, Ratus rattus) are widespread in the Palearctic region, 5 (26.31%) species (Lepus europaeus, Hystrix indica, Cricetulus migratorius, Microtus socialis, Sylvaemus witherbyi) are widespread in the Western Asian region, 5 (26.31%) species (Glis glis, Dryomys nitedula, Mus macedonicus, Apodemus (Sylvaemus) uralensis, Microtus arvalis) are of European origin and 5 (26.31%) species (Sciurus anomalus,Microtus dagestanicus,Chionomys gud, Chionomysroberti, Apodemus (Sylvaemus) ponticus) are endemics. No desert species of Turanian origin were noted. In the Zaqatala-Lahyj physical-geographic region, species of European and Western Asian origin are also predominant. A total of 25 rodent species have been registered in these regions. Of the species distributed in the Samur-Davachi and Zaqatala-Lahyj physiographic regions, only 13 (52%) species are found in both physiographic regions. It should be noted that each physiographic region has its own specific species. 6 species (Sciurus anomalus, Microtus dagestanicus, Chionomys gud, Chionomys roberti, Mus macedonicus, Rattus rattus) are found in the Zaqatala-Lahyj physiographic region only, 6 species (Allactaga euphratica, Allactaga elater, Meriones libycus, Apodemus agrarius, Rattus norvegicus, Micromys minutus) are found in the Samur-Davachi physiographic region only.

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How to Cite
Ibrahimli A. Ш. к. . (2023). Comparison of the species composition of Lagomorpha and Rodentia in the Samur-Devechi lowland and the Zaqatala-Lahyj physiographic region of Azerbaijan. Bulletin of Perm University. Biology, (1), 31–39.
Author Biography

Aynur Sh. Ibrahimli, Бaku State University, Baku, Azerbaijan

Dissertation of the Department of Zoology


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