Method of taking blood from peripheral tail veins in mice to study the specific activity of erythropoietin

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Tatiana E. Petukhova


One of the main quality indicators showing the effectiveness and safety of recombinant human erythropoietin drugs is their specific activity. The determination of this specific activity is recommended to carry out by the biological method in vivo on polycythemic and normocythemic mice. The main method of blood collection was the method of taking blood from the retroorbital sinus of the eye. The disadvantages of this method are the high risk of complications and the inability to take blood again after a short period of time. The next blood sampling is possible only 10 days after the procedure. This article describes a simple method of taking blood that allows us to select a sufficient amount of blood to study the specific activity of erythropoietin, minimize the traumatism of mouse tail tissues, reduce contamination of the obtained blood with foreign particles, minimize the number of complications, the possibility of repeated blood sampling after a short period of time.

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How to Cite
Petukhova Т. Е. (2023). Method of taking blood from peripheral tail veins in mice to study the specific activity of erythropoietin. Bulletin of Perm University. Biology, (2), 205–207.
Клиническая лабораторная диагностика
Author Biography

Tatiana E. Petukhova, Scientific Center of Virology and Biotechnology "Vector", Koltsovo, Russia

Technologist of the Department of Cellular Technologies, post-graduate student


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