Influence of water «O2 alive» on growth and development of plants

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Vera I. Kamenshchikova
Olga S. Kudryashova


We present here the results of our investigations concerning the usage of «O2 alive» water for the pre-sowing seeds treatment and plant growth-promoting effect. It has been found that the pre-sowing seeds treatment with the «O2 alive» water results in the increase of the seed vigor and germinating ability of the seeds at about 80-100%, at the same time this procedure accelerates the onset of the most important phenophases of plant development and increases the ability of plant to appropriate a fertilizer added to soil. It has been shown that the simultaneous mineral fertilization («Zdraven» fertilizer) and the usage of the «O2 alive» water increases the productivity of the protected and open-ground plants by about 30-80% and improves the plants flexibility to the unfavorable conditions (drought, low temperatures).

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How to Cite
Kamenshchikova В. И., & Kudryashova О. С. (2021). Influence of water «O2 alive» on growth and development of plants. Bulletin of Perm University. Biology, (4), 307–315.
Author Biographies

Vera I. Kamenshchikova, Institute of Natural Science of Perm State National Research University

Candidate of biology

Olga S. Kudryashova, Institute of Natural Science of Perm State National Research University

Doctor of сhemistry, professor, chief scientific officer


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