New records of water beetles (Coleoptera) in the territories of Udmurtiya and Bashkiriya

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Alexey S. Sazhnev
Irina A. Kargapoltseva
Nadezhda V. Kholmogorova
Ekaterina A. Bobkova


This publication serves as a continuation of the inventory of aquatic beetle faunas in the Udmurtiya and Bashkortostan, a summary of which was published in 2020. The known composition of the faunas of the republics at the time of the study consisted of 230 (for Udmurtiya) and 120 (for Bashkiriya) species of aquatic beetles (including Donaciinae and Bagoiinae). The material for the article was the collections carried out in the framework of the study of the macrozoobenthos of rivers, oxbow lakes and temporary waterbidies from 2019 to 2020. Sampling of adults and beetle larvae from substrates submerged in water (stones and wood) was carried out manually. When collecting aquatic organisms in overgrown water bodies and rivers, a hydrobiological scraper was used. Data on the first finds of 5 species from 5 families in the territory of Udmurtiya and 6 species from 4 families in Bashkiriya are given. They are respectively as following: Orectochilus villosus (Gyrinidae), Haliplus confinis (Haliplidae), Rhantus bistriatus (Dytiscidae), Helophorus redtenbacheri (Helophoridae), Limnebius crinifer (Hydraenidae) in Udmurtiya, and Haliplus varius (Haliplidae), Ilybius fenestratus, Hydroporus palustris, Graptodytes bilineatus (Dytiscidae), Helophorus brevipalpis (Helophoridae), Limnebius cf. parvulus (Hydraenidae) in Bashkiriya.

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How to Cite
Sazhnev А. С., Kargapoltseva И. А., Kholmogorova Н. В., & Bobkova Е. А. (2021). New records of water beetles (Coleoptera) in the territories of Udmurtiya and Bashkiriya. Bulletin of Perm University. Biology, (4), 289–294.
Author Biographies

Alexey S. Sazhnev, Papanin Institute for biology of inland waters

Candidate of biology, senior researcher

Irina A. Kargapoltseva, Udmurt State University

Head of the Cabinet

Nadezhda V. Kholmogorova, Udmurt State University

Candidate of biology; associate professor

Ekaterina A. Bobkova, Udmurt State University



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