Sexual structure of Juniperus polycarpos C. Koch populations in Dagestan

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Gulnara A. Sadykova
Nadezhda A. Amirkhanova


The study of the sexual structure of Juniperus polycarpos C. Koch was carried out in the populations of Piedmont (Talginskaya, Dubkinsko-Miatlinskaya, and Gubdenskaya) and highmountain (Tlyaratinskaya and Tsumadinskaya) Dagestan. In total, 1009 individuals were studied within the entire range of the species in the territory of Dagestan, in which biometric parameters were measured. In populations, polygamous-dioecious individuals of J. polycarpos were identified, and a quantitative ratio of female, male, and polygamous-dioecious individuals was established. Biometric indicators of individuals of different sexes and their index indicators have been determined. The ratio of females and males in the Dagestan populations of J. polycapos, as well as for other Juniperus species in general, may be related to the ecological conditions of the environment (an increase in the altitude above sea level of the place of growth and more arid conditions). At the same time, the change in the ratio of the height and diameter of the crown in trees of different sex groups may depend on the age of individuals in the population, the timing of their entry into the generative state, and other processes.

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How to Cite
Sadykova Г. А., & Amirkhanova Н. А. (2021). Sexual structure of Juniperus polycarpos C. Koch populations in Dagestan. Bulletin of Perm University. Biology, (4), 249–255.
Author Biographies

Gulnara A. Sadykova, Mountain botanical garden DFRC RAS

Candidate of biology, scientific secretary of Mountain botanical garden

Nadezhda A. Amirkhanova, Mountain botanical garden DFRC RAS

Post-graduate student


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