Characteristics of physical development of primary school-aged children (Perm, cross-sectional study, 2019)

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Victoria V. Gorbunova
Marina L. Otavina
Daria N. Lir
Irina N. Gavrilova
Natalia V. Ogarysheva
Elena B. Chihacheva


An anthropometric study of 607 primary school-aged children (7 to 11 years old) showed that the height and body weight values were within the normal range in 90% of children, and the body mass index [BMI] – in >70%. For the height and body weight, this range involved the values from –2SDS to +2SDS (standard deviations from the age-specific median value). For BMI, values in the range from –2SDS to +1SDS were considered normal. The distribution of the age-based weight and height parameters as related to WHO reference standards demonstrated the right shift by 0.33-0.53 SDS, i.e. towards higher values. It was shown that 75 children (12.4%) were obese. Other researchers, who conducted similar measurements in different regions of Russia, reported about the same proportion of children with obesity. Among primary schoolers, the incidence of obesity was higher in boys.

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How to Cite
Gorbunova В. В., Otavina М. Л., Lir Д. Н., Gavrilova И. Н., Ogarysheva Н. В., & Chihacheva Е. Б. (2021). Characteristics of physical development of primary school-aged children (Perm, cross-sectional study, 2019). Bulletin of Perm University. Biology, (3), 206–211.
Author Biographies

Victoria V. Gorbunova, Perm State University

Candidate of biology, associate professor of the Department of vertebrate zoology and ecology

Marina L. Otavina, Perm State Humanitarian Pedagogical University

Candidate of medicine, associate professor, head of the Department of anatomy, physiology, chemistry and health

Daria N. Lir, E.A. Vagner Perm State Medical University

Candidate of medicine, associate professor of the Department of hygiene, faculty of medical prophylaxis

Irina N. Gavrilova, Perm State Humanitarian Pedagogical University

Candidate of biology, associate professor of the Department of anatomy, physiology, chemistry and health

Natalia V. Ogarysheva, Perm State Humanitarian Pedagogical University

Candidate of biology, associate professor of the Department of anatomy, physiology, chemistry and health

Elena B. Chihacheva, GBUZ PK "Children's Clinical Hospital named after P.I. Pichugin"



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