Influence of temperature processing on the constitutive and inducible resistance of rye seedlings to chloride salinization

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Larisa Сhudinova
Denis Yusupov


We studied the growth rate of rye seedlings, as well as the dynamics of the content of soluble proteins and proline in the shoots during their adaptation to sharp (300 mM NaCl once, exposure time 9 days) and gradual (100 mM NaCl, then 100 mM NaCl after 2 days to the final concentration of 400 mM) salinity with sodium chloride in the presence or absence of thermal hardening (+40°C, 3 h). The established dynamics of the content of proline and soluble proteins in the shoots suggests that the formation of resistance to salinity is determined by the high constitutive level of proline, as well as the stress-inducible synthesis of proline and water-soluble proteins. Thermal pretreatment of the seedlings stimulated their constitutive stability to a greater extent. The detected metabolic changes are obviously related to one of the possible mechanisms of the protective effect of thermal hardening on subsequent salinization.

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How to Cite
Сhudinova Л. А., & Yusupov Д. Р. (2021). Influence of temperature processing on the constitutive and inducible resistance of rye seedlings to chloride salinization. Bulletin of Perm University. Biology, (2), 134–140.
Author Biographies

Larisa Сhudinova , Perm State University

Candidate of biology, associate professor of the Department of plant physiology and soil ecology

Denis Yusupov , Perm State University

Student of Biological faculty


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