Course use of chaga infusion for adapting of dogs in the period of changing the type of feeding

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Larisa Pastukhova
Ekaterina Rodimova
Irina Krylova


The effect of the course (orally for one month) use of a biologically active additive of natural origin (infusion of pharmacy drug Inonotus obliquus Pil.) on some indicators of the functional state of working dogs in the period of changing the type of feeding was studied. Experimental and control groups of working dogs of the German shepherd breed included five individuals each. The positive effect of Chaga on the calcium-phosphorus ratio in the blood and a tendency to improve the biochemical parameters of the blood, reflecting the quality of assimilation of nitrogenous components of dry feed and the state of the urinary system of animals. The drug softens the transition from natural to dry feeding, stabilizes homeostasis indicators; has a prolonged positive effect on the intensity of weight gain, in the doses used it is not toxic and can be recommended for use in service dog breeding.

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How to Cite
Pastukhova Л. А., Rodimova Е. В., & Krylova И. О. (2021). Course use of chaga infusion for adapting of dogs in the period of changing the type of feeding. Bulletin of Perm University. Biology, (1), 77–81.
Author Biographies

Larisa Pastukhova , Perm Military Institute of the National Guard Troops of the Russian Federation

Associate Professor of the Department of biology

Ekaterina Rodimova , Perm Military Institute of the National Guard Troops of the Russian Federation

Candidate of biology, associate professor of the Department of biology

Irina Krylova , Perm Military Institute of the National Guard Troops of the Russian Federation

Candidate of biology, professor of the Department of biology


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