DNA polymorphism, genetic originality and identification of sterlet populations and replacement broodstock (Acipenser ruthenus)

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Lidia Komarova
Albina Peleeva
Natalia Kostitsyna
Alla Melnikova
Svetlana Boronnikova


DNA polymorphism has been studied, indicators of genetic diversity and genetic originality have been determined for three natural populations and three replacement broodstocks of sterlet (Acipenser ruthenus Linnaeus, Acipenseridae) from the Volga Federal District. In the group of A. ruthenus replacement broodstock, 106 ISSR-PСR markers were identified, and in the group of natural populations, 103 ISSR-PСR markers. The indicators of genetic diversity and the coefficient of genetic originality (CGO) were slightly higher in the group of natural populations. Analysis of genetic structure of natural populations and groups of broodstock herds A. ruthenus showed that the coefficient of genetic differentiation are also slightly higher in the group of natural populations and equal 0,377. As a result of molecular genetic identification, generic and species identification fragments of sterlet DNA were revealed, as well as combinations of polymorphic fragments for identification of the studied natural populations and stocks. The data obtained can be used to preserve the gene pool of populations, which is characteristic for a particular region.

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How to Cite
Komarova Л. В., Peleeva А. Р., Kostitsyna Н. В., Melnikova А. Г., & Boronnikova С. В. (2021). DNA polymorphism, genetic originality and identification of sterlet populations and replacement broodstock (Acipenser ruthenus). Bulletin of Perm University. Biology, (1), 53–60. https://doi.org/10.17072/1994-9952-2021-1-53-60
Author Biographies

Lidia Komarova, Perm State University

Assistant of Department of botany and plant genetics

Albina Peleeva , PhytoEngineering Research Center LLC


Natalia Kostitsyna , Perm State University

Candidate of biology, associate professor of the Department vertebrate zoology and ecology

Alla Melnikova , Perm branch of the FSBSI “Russian Federal Re-search Institute of Fisheries and oceanography”, Perm branch of “VNIRO” (“PermNIRO”)

Candidate of biology, Head

Svetlana Boronnikova , Perm State University

Doctor of biology, professor, head of the Department of botany and plant genetics


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