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Мария/Maria Александровна/Alexandrovna Алпатова/Alpatova
Ольга/Olga Анатольевна/Anatolievna Маклакова/Maklakova
Ольга/Olga Юрьевна/Yur’evna Устинова/Ustinova
Татьяна/Tatyana Николаевна/Nikolaevna Евсеева/Evseeva


Based on the results of the study, the frequency, structure, and prevalence of congenital malformations (CM) in children of the Perm Krai according to the results of monitoring the CM for a 15-year period (2000-2015) are presented. It was established that the frequency of CM in the Perm Krai for the analyzed period was 1.5 times higher than the national average and amounted to 33.87 %o. It is shown that the anomalies of the development of the circulatory system make the greatest contribution to the structure of congenital malformations. Comparative assessment of the frequency of individual nosological forms of defects subject to mandatory registration revealed that in the Perm region the spinal cord hernia in newborns was diagnosed 2.5 times more often than in the regions of the Russian Federation, and the microotium was 1.7 times higher than the data of the European Registration of Congenital Abnormalities and Twins.

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Алпатова/Alpatova М. А., Маклакова/Maklakova О. А., Устинова/Ustinova О. Ю., & Евсеева/Evseeva Т. Н. (2018). REGIONAL PROGRAM OF CONGENITAL MONITORING MALFORMATIONS IN CHILDREN IN THE PERM REGION. Bulletin of Perm University. Biology, (2), 217–222. Retrieved from
Клиническая лабораторная диагностика
Author Biographies

Мария/Maria Александровна/Alexandrovna Алпатова/Alpatova, FBUN "FNC of medical preventive technologies of population health risks management".


Ольга/Olga Анатольевна/Anatolievna Маклакова/Maklakova, Perm State University; FBUN "FNC of medical preventive technologies of population health risks management"

Candidate of medical sciences, associate professor of the Department of human ecology and life safety;Head consultative-polyclinic department

Ольга/Olga Юрьевна/Yur’evna Устинова/Ustinova, Perm State University; FBUN "FNC of medical preventive technologies of population health risks management"

Doctor of medical sciences, head of the Department of human ecology and life safety;Deputy Director for the clinical part

Татьяна/Tatyana Николаевна/Nikolaevna Евсеева/Evseeva, State Children's Clinical Hospital "Children's Regional Clinical Hospital"



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