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Евгения/Evgeenija Ивановна/Ivanovna Демьянова/Demyanova


Anthecological features and seed production of Galeopsis speciosa Mill. and G. ladanum L. {Lamiaceae) and seed germination of G. ladanum were studied. Observations were made in the forest-steppe Zauralie and Perm Krai. Flowers of studied species are homogamous, with high level of pollen fertility. In all years of observations (2007-2017) weather was different, but seed production always was high. The main type of pollination is self-pollination (autogamy). Isolation of generative shoots resulted in successful seed formation. Cross pollination also is possible. 2017 summer was characterized with rainy weather and the activity of insects-pollinators was lower, that year seed production also was lower, despite self-pollinations. Seed germination of G. ladanum for seeds obtained after free pollination and isolation was nearly similar.

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How to Cite
Демьянова/Demyanova Е. И. (2018). ANTHECOLOGICAL FEATURES AND SEED PRODUCTION OF GALEOPSIS SPECIOSA MILL. AND G. LADANUM L. (LAMIACEAE) IN THE URALS. Bulletin of Perm University. Biology, (2), 124–129. Retrieved from
Author Biography

Евгения/Evgeenija Ивановна/Ivanovna Демьянова/Demyanova, Perm State University

Doctor of biology, distinguished professor of the Department of botany and plant genetics


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