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Александр/Aleksandr Иванович/Ivanovich Саралов/Saralov
Полина/Polina Геннадьевна/Gennadievna Беляева/Belyaeva


Algocenosis diversity of the epilithon to the middle reach of submountain Sylva river (Perm kray) was studied. A complex of morphological and cytological methods of algology and modern molecular ecology was applied. Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) was conducted using oligonucleotide primers for selective amplification, cloning and sequencing of 16S rRNA genes' fragments of cyanobacteria and plastids, but not for bacteria and archaea. By the end of anomalous hot summer 2016, 98 algal species from three groups within the epilithon of the Sylva river - Bacillariophyta (80% of biomass - B; 40% of number - N), Chlorophyta (15% B; 10% N) and Cyanophyta/Cyanobacteria (5% B; 50%N) - were identified. 142 clones from the PCR-products were selected and detected to the phylogenetic analysis: 80 species were belonged to diatoms, 2 - to green algae and 60 - to Cyanobacteria. In 16S rRNA genes' fragments, local-ized in chloroplast genomes of Bacillariophyta from the epilithon, two phylogenetically distinct groups of clones were revealed that have different frustule structure and sensitivity to water salinity. The analysis of 16S rRNA genes' fragments, localized in Bacillariophyta's chloroplast genomes well corresponded to natural phylogenetic system based on morphology and detailed structure of silica frustule. Notably, 89% of diatom species were detected within the epilithon using morphological and molecular methods. Mor-phological characteristics of cyanobacteria from the epilithon poorly corresponded to their phylogeny based on the comparison of 16S rRNA genes' nucleotide sequences.

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How to Cite
Саралов/Saralov А. И., & Беляева/Belyaeva П. Г. (2018). DIVERSITY ASSESSMENT OF CYANOBACTERIA AND ALGAE OF SYLVA RIVER EPILITON (PERM KRAY) BY MORFOLOGICAL AND MOLECULAR METODS. Bulletin of Perm University. Biology, (1), 97–104. Retrieved from https://press.psu.ru/index.php/bio/article/view/1913
Author Biographies

Александр/Aleksandr Иванович/Ivanovich Саралов/Saralov, Institute of Ecology and Genetics of Microorganism UB RAS

Doctor of biology, Head of the Laboratory of aquatic microbiology

Полина/Polina Геннадьевна/Gennadievna Беляева/Belyaeva, Institute of Ecology and Genetics of Microorganism UB RAS

Candidate of biology, senior researcher of the Laboratory of aquatic microbiology


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