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Юлиана/Juliana Удовна/Udovna Донт/Dohnt
Анна/Anna Владимировна/Vladimirovna Тимарова/Timarova
Лидия/Lidia Васильевна/Vasilevna Комарова/Komarova
Светлана/Svetlana Витальевна/Vitalevna Боронникова/Boronnikova


The genetic polymorphism of the trakehner, trotting and heavy-weight breeds of the horse home (Equus сaballus L., Equidae), as the most commonly bred in the Perm region, has been studied. To determine the genetic diversity of the breeds of E. сaballus, an ISSR-method for DNA polymorphism analysis was used. In E. сaballus home amplified with 111 ISSR-PСR markers. The groups of genetic characteristics at the rock level have been determined and analyzed. To characterize gene pools of E. сaballus, the num-ber of molecular markers, the proportion of polymorphic loci, the expected heterozygosity, and the number of rare alleles are established. Genetic specificity of gene pools of the studied breeds is revealed using the coefficient of genetic originality (CGOlog), but taking into account number of rare alleles. In 3 breeds of E. сaballus, individuals are identified, in the genotype of which typical and region-specific alleles are noted. The recommendations are given on the preservation of gene pools of three breeds of E. сaballus, when breeding them in the Perm region.

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How to Cite
Донт/Dohnt Ю. У., Тимарова/Timarova А. В., Комарова/Komarova Л. В., & Боронникова/Boronnikova С. В. (2018). GENETIC POLYMORPHISM OF THREE BREEDS OF THE DOMESTIC HORSE. Bulletin of Perm University. Biology, (1), 50–56. Retrieved from
Author Biographies

Юлиана/Juliana Удовна/Udovna Донт/Dohnt, Perm State University

Graduate student of the biological faculty

Анна/Anna Владимировна/Vladimirovna Тимарова/Timarova, The branch of FSUC “SIC “Microgen” of MOH of Russia “Perm SIC “Biomed” in Perm

Microbiologist in the quality control

Лидия/Lidia Васильевна/Vasilevna Комарова/Komarova, Perm State University

Assistant of the Department of Botany and Genetics of Plants

Светлана/Svetlana Витальевна/Vitalevna Боронникова/Boronnikova, Perm State University

Doctor of biology, professor, head of the Department of Botany and Genetics of Plants


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