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Людмила/Ludmila Викторовна/Viktorovna Лазаренко/Lazarenko
Полина/Pauline Владимировна/Vladimirovna Косарева/Kosareva


Expression of tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNFaRl) receptors in rat pancreas tissue was studied in the simulation of NSAID-associated pancreatopathy. Antibodies, species-specific to antigens of rat tissues, were used. Expression of TNFaRl receptors in pancreatic tissue of experimental animals was detected in the endocrine islets of Langerhans, with the intensity of expression depended on the dosage of the drug (nimesulide). In animals receiving therapeutic dosage, the expression area increased compared to the control group, which is probably related to the effect of TNF-a on endocrine island cells, and may indicate a readiness for apoptosis. In animals receiving high dosages, a decrease of TNFaRl expression was observed. Reduction of the expression area may be due to the deterioration of trophic of islets due to hemodynamic disorders and sclerotic processes in the parenchyma of the gland, as well as to the increased toxic effect of nimesulide. These factors can cause a violation of the structure of cellular receptors or a decrease in their number, which does not contradict the existing literary data.

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How to Cite
Лазаренко/Lazarenko Л. В., & Косарева/Kosareva П. В. (2018). EVALUATION OF THE TUMOR NECROSIS FACTOR RECEPTORS EXPRESSION IN PANCREATIC TISSUE IN EXPERIMENTAL ANIMALS WITH NSAIDs-ASSOCIATED PANCREATHOPATHY. Bulletin of Perm University. Biology, (4), 463–468. Retrieved from https://press.psu.ru/index.php/bio/article/view/1894
Клиническая лабораторная диагностика
Author Biographies

Людмила/Ludmila Викторовна/Viktorovna Лазаренко/Lazarenko, Perm Institute of the Federal Penal Service

Candidate of veterinary, assistant professor Department of zootecnics

Полина/Pauline Владимировна/Vladimirovna Косарева/Kosareva, Perm State University

Doctor of medicine, professor Department of human ecology and life safety


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