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Майя/Maya Мунировна/Munirovna Ишмуратова/Ishmuratova
Надежда/Nadezhda Ивановна/Ivanovna Барышникова/Barushnikova
Эльмира/Elmira Миниахметовна/Miniahmetovna Газиева/Gazieva


With the aim of preserving commercial species of medicinal plants (many of which are rare) it is recommended to introduce them to the culture and plantation cultivation, including using in vitro culture. In addition, for perennial herbaceous plants that have a system of aboveground and underground organs, important are the choice of optimal Explant and receiving cultivation. In a culture in vitro in species of the genus Valeriana are described the following types of morphogenesis: embryologist, callusogenesis, Her-mogenes and rhizogenesis. Regenerated plants can be obtained by activating existing apical and axillary meristems of the aerial and underground organs, somatic embryogenesis and the formation of de novo plants from callus tissue. The introduction of explants for in vitro culture can be used seeds, apical meris-tems of shoot and root, petiole and lamina assimilating leaves, buds resume, the nodes of vegetative and reproductive escape. Effective reproduction with the aim of obtaining regenerated plants of several types Оfficinales (V. alternifolia Ledeb., V. dubia Bunge., V. officinalis L., V. wolgensis) is possible by using as explants the seeds and nodes of the zone of inhibition of the vegetative-reproductive escape. The optimal method of cultivation is the activation of existing meristems. The time for the introduction in culture in vitro of explants selected individually for each species and depends on the nature of Explant and fenarimol development of plants.

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How to Cite
Ишмуратова/Ishmuratova М. М., Барышникова/Barushnikova Н. И., & Газиева/Gazieva Э. М. (2018). CLONAL MICRO REPRODUCTION IN VITRO: EXPLANTS CHOICE (FOR EXAMPLE, SPECIES OF THE GENUS VALERIANA). Bulletin of Perm University. Biology, (4), 442–449. Retrieved from
Author Biographies

Майя/Maya Мунировна/Munirovna Ишмуратова/Ishmuratova, Bashkir State University

Professor, doctor of biology, Professor of department of ecology and biology

Надежда/Nadezhda Ивановна/Ivanovna Барышникова/Barushnikova, Nosov Magnitogorsk State Technical University

Associate Professor, candidate of biology; head the Department of standardization, certification and food technology

Эльмира/Elmira Миниахметовна/Miniahmetovna Газиева/Gazieva, Bashkir State University

Graduate student


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