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Ольга/Olga Анатольевна/Anatolievna Маклакова/Maklakova
Ольга/Olga Юрьевна/Yurievna Устинова/Ustinova
Юлия/Julia Анатольевна/Anatol'evna Ивашова/Ivashova


A survey of 303 children 5-10 years of age living in the territory with the presence of vanadium at atmospheric air at a level of 0.2-1.2 MPCs.s. and manganese - 1,1-2,2 ПДКс.с. The comparison group consisted of 293 children of similar age who were not exposed to vanadium and manganese exposure. Exposed children had elevated 1.1-3.5 times the reference concentration of the studied metals in the blood, exceeding in 4.2 times the parameters of the comparison group.During the clinical and functional examination it was found that 58.1% of children with a high content of metals (vanadium and manganese) in the blood of the metals show a decrease in the function of the respiratory system, a 38.4% decrease in the external respiration, signs of peripheral obstruction with the development of hypertrophy of lymphoid tissue in the nasopharynx, chronic allergic rhinitis, relapsing bronchitis, bronchial asthma. Functional changes on the part of the cardiovascular system in every fifth child living in chronic aerogenic effects of vanadium and manganese were manifested by the stress of vegetative regulation of the heart rhythm in the form of sinus bradyarrhythmia, caused by the activation of humoral-metabolic and parasympathetic regulatory mechanisms, and manifested by the presence of vegetative dystonia. It has been established that in the conditions of aerogenic exposure to vanadium and manganese, the disturbances in the function of the respiratory and cardiovascular systems are of a combined nature, due to the peculiarities of the influence of these metals on the cardiorespiratory system.

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Маклакова/Maklakova О. А., Устинова/Ustinova О. Ю., & Ивашова/Ivashova Ю. А. (2018). PECULIARITIES OF THE CARDIORESPESCRIPTIVE SYSTEM IN CHILDREN LIVING IN THE CONDITIONS OF ATMOSPHERIC AIR POLLUTION BY METALS (VANADIUM, MARGANETS). Bulletin of Perm University. Biology, (4), 427–435. Retrieved from
Author Biographies

Ольга/Olga Анатольевна/Anatolievna Маклакова/Maklakova, FBSI "Federal Scientific Center for Medical and Preventive Health Risk Management Technologies"; Perm State University

Candidate of Medical Sciences, head of consultative-polyclinic department;Associate professor of the Department of human ecology and life safety

Ольга/Olga Юрьевна/Yurievna Устинова/Ustinova, FBSI "Federal Scientific Center for Medical and Preventive Health Risk Management Technologies"; Perm State University

Doctor of Medicine, Deputy Director for the medical work;Associate professor, head of the Department of human ecology and life safety

Юлия/Julia Анатольевна/Anatol'evna Ивашова/Ivashova, FBSI "Federal Scientific Center for Medical and Preventive Health Risk Management Technologies"

Head of the Department of radiation diagnostics


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