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Дмитрий/Dmitry Александрович/Aleksandrovich Кирьянов/Kiryanov
Владимир/Vladimir Михайлович/Mikhaylovich Чигвинцев/Chigvintsev


The article presents an algorithm for assessing the impact of atmospheric air pollution on the health status of population. Medical aid appealability of population is for an indicator of the state of health. The data of stationary observation posts of the Perm Center for Hydrometeorology and Environmental Monitoring are the characteristics of contamination. The algorithm allows forming the evidentiary basis to confirm the presence of negative effects for health, caused by air pollution. Also, it allows to parameterize these effects, assess the degree of controllability of health indicators due to changes in pollution parameters. The obtained models made it possible to characterize the share of liability of atmospheric air pollution in the increased frequency of ambulance calls, which amounted to more than 6,000 calls per year for circulatory system diseases.

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How to Cite
Кирьянов/Kiryanov Д. А., & Чигвинцев/Chigvintsev В. М. (2018). EVALUATION OF INFLUENCE OF CHEMICAL FACTORS CONCENTRATION INCREASE IN AIR ON MEDICAL AID APPEALABILITY OF POPULATION. Bulletin of Perm University. Biology, (4), 421–426. Retrieved from https://press.psu.ru/index.php/bio/article/view/1888
Author Biographies

Дмитрий/Dmitry Александрович/Aleksandrovich Кирьянов/Kiryanov, FBSI "FSC of Medical-Preventive Health Risk Management Technologies" of the Federal Service for Supervision of Consumer Rights Protection and Human Welfare; Perm State University

Candidate of technical sciences, head of the Department of mathematical modeling of systems and processes;Associate professor of the Department of human ecology and life safety

Владимир/Vladimir Михайлович/Mikhaylovich Чигвинцев/Chigvintsev, FBSI "FSC of Medical-Preventive Health Risk Management Technologies" of the Federal Service for Supervision of Consumer Rights Protection and Human Welfare; Perm National Research Polytechnic University

Fellow research of situation modeling and expert and analytical management techniques laboratory;Graduate student, Department of Mathematical modeling of systems and processes


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