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Аркадий/Arcady Владимирович/Vladimirovich Балушкин/Balushkin


The peculiarities of coloration (false eyespots on the caudal fin, camouflage of the authentic eyes) in the Antarctic fish Dolloidraco longedorsalis (Artedidraconidae) are described and the questions of their fitness in deep water conditions are discussed.

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How to Cite
Балушкин/Balushkin А. В. (2018). ON THE PURPOSIVE COLORATION OF THE ANTARCTIC FISH DOLLOIDRACO LONGEDORSALIS {ARTEDIDRACONIDAE; NOTOTHENIOIDEI; PERCIFORMES), INHABITING LAYERS, WHERE THE VISIBLE SUNLIGHT CANNOT PERMEATE. Bulletin of Perm University. Biology, (4), 410–415. Retrieved from https://press.psu.ru/index.php/bio/article/view/1886
Author Biography

Аркадий/Arcady Владимирович/Vladimirovich Балушкин/Balushkin, Zoological Institute RAS, Russian Federal Agency of Scientific Organizations

Doctor of biology, Corresponding Member of the RANS, Head of the Laboratory Ichthyology


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