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Баглай Е.М. Биологические особенности интроду-цированных в защищенный грунт представителей семейства Cactaceae Juss. и их практическое использование: дис. ... канд. биол. наук. Киев, 2008. 168 с.
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Anderson E.F. The Cactus Family. Oregon, Timber Press Portland, 2001. 776 pp.
Backeberg C. Das Kakteenlexicon. Enumeratio diagnostic Cactacearum. German, Jena. 1976. 586 pp.
Barthlott W. Kakteen. Stuttgart, Belser, 1977. 208 p.
Britton N.L., Rose J.N. The Cactaceae. Descriptions and illustrations of plants of the Cactus family. Washington, Press of Gibson Brothers. 1919. 235 p.
CITES. Cheklist of CITES species. UNEP world conservation Monitoring Centre. Cites Secretariat. Geneva. Available at: http: // 2008.
Donald J.D. Occasional generic review n. 6. Weingartia Werdermann. Ashingtonia. N 3 (1979): pp. 87.
Donald J.D., Cullman W. Digitorebutia 'A.V. Fric'. The cactus and succulent Journal. V. 4, N 1 (1957): pp. 40-45.
Hunt D.R. CITES Cactaceae checklist. Royal Botanic Gardens Kew & International Organization for Succulent Plant Study (IOS). Milborne Port, Remous Ltd., 1993. 400 pp.
Hunt D.R., Taylor N.P. The Genera of Cactaceae: towards a new consensus. Bradleya N 4 (1986): pp. 64-68.
Hunt D.R., Taylor N.P. The genera of the Cactaceae. Towards a new consensus. Bradleya V. 4. (1987): pp. 91-94.
International Plants Name Index. Available at:
Krainz H. Die Kakteen. Lipzig, 1967. 220 p.
Lamb Edgar, Lamb Brian. Kakteen un andere Sukkulenten in Heim und Wildnis. Leipzig, Neumann, 1976. 448 p.
Makishi Monica Arakaki. Systematics of tribe Trichocereeae and population cenetiks of Haageo-cereus (Cactaceae): a dissertation for the degree of doctor of philosophy. Florida, 2008. 125 p.
Mauseth J.D., Landrum J.V. Relictual vegetative anatomical characters in Cactaceae: the genus Pere-skia. Journal of Plant Research. N 110 (1997): pp. 39-55.
Mosti S., Papini A. Rebutia tre nuove specie three new species. Taxa Journal V. 1, N 9 (2005): p. 215.
Mosti S., Bandara N.L., Papini A. Further insights and new combinations in Aylostera (Cactaceae) based on molecular and morphological data. Pakistan Journal of Botany. V. 43, N 6 (2011): pp. 2769-2785.
Nobel P.S. Cacti University of California. London, University of California Press, 2002. 280 p.
Park S.N. Cacti: biology and Uses. London, University of California Press, 2002. 280 p.
Pilbeam J., Neville D., King J. Rebutia. The Cactus File Handbook 2. Oxford, Nuffield Press, 1997. 119 p.