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Наталья/Natalia Александровна/Aleksandrovna Молганова/Molganova
Сергей/Sergey Александрович/Aleksandrovich Овеснов/Ovesnov


On the territory of Perm city, within its administrative borders, in 2005-2017 years selectively examined and poludragocennye woody plants of urban green spaces. The composition of the dendro-flora included both wild and introduced plants. In the city laid the model cells according to the method of N. G. Ilminskih, which cover all types of plantations (including forest parks) in the city. They were established in Leninsk, Motovilikha, Dzerzhinsky, Ordzhonikidze, Industrial administrative districts. The model areas were connected by routes of different lengths, which were taken into account all types of woody plants. Hence, it was discovered 255 species and hybridogenic taxa belonging to 78 genera and 33 families. About 100 species and hybridogenic taxa were shown at first for the dendroflora Perm.

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How to Cite
Молганова/Molganova Н. А., & Овеснов/Ovesnov С. А. (2018). CHECKLIST OF TREES AND SHRUBS OF PERM. Bulletin of Perm University. Biology, (4), 390–402. Retrieved from
Author Biographies

Наталья/Natalia Александровна/Aleksandrovna Молганова/Molganova, Perm State University; Perm State agricultural and technological University by academician D.N. Pryanishnikov

Senior lecturer of the Department of botany and genetic of plants;Senior lecturer of the Department of forestry and landscape architecture

Сергей/Sergey Александрович/Aleksandrovich Овеснов/Ovesnov, Perm State University

Doctor of biology, professor of the Department of botany and genetic of plants


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