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Елена/Elena Герасимовна/Gerasimovna Ефимик/Efimik
Дмитрий/Dmitriy Николаевич/Nicolaevich Тиунов/Tiunov


The article reflects the results of studying the flora and vegetation of the specially protected natural area «Lipovaya Gora». The survey was conducted by the route method in the summer period of 2017 (May-August). On the territory of protected areas were found 241 species of vascular plants belonging to 156 genera and 53 families. Three new and rare protected plant species for that territory were discovered: Iris pseudoacorus included in the Red Data List of the Perm Region, Dactylorhiza incarnata and Platanthera bifolia included in the Application to the Red Data List of the Perm Region. 40 synanthropic plant species and 11 adventitious species have been found on the territory of protected areas. The summary of flora protected by natural landscapes was compiled, species are specified for each type of habitat within a protected area. This summary is the basis for further work on biodiversity and monitoring of the «Lipovaya Gora» protected area.

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How to Cite
Ефимик/Efimik Е. Г., & Тиунов/Tiunov Д. Н. (2018). CHECKLIST OF FLORA OF THE PROTECTED AREA "LIPOVAYA GORA" (PERM). Bulletin of Perm University. Biology, (4), 373–379. Retrieved from
Author Biographies

Елена/Elena Герасимовна/Gerasimovna Ефимик/Efimik, Perm State University

Associate professor of the Department of botany and genetic of plants

Дмитрий/Dmitriy Николаевич/Nicolaevich Тиунов/Tiunov, Perm State University

Student of biological faculty


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