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Иван/Ivan Викторович/V. Поздеев/Pozdeev


The species list of benthic macroinvertebrates inhabiting the sandy sediments is given. The main features of psammorheophilic benthic communities are the presence of a specific forms, among which the most important are larvae of Diptera, as well as low levels of abundance and biomass. Analysis of benthic communities using indexes based on Shannon's entropy showed more structure and benthic communities of sandy sediments biomass than in abundance. A distinctive feature of psammorheophilic communities also is a low individual's weight, as evidenced by indexes based on the Rao's entropy. Best score assessment of degree of water pollution and soils obtained using the Balushkina's Integrated mean (IP').

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How to Cite
Поздеев/Pozdeev И. В. (2018). PSAMMORHEOPHILIC BENTHIC COMMUNITIES STRUCTURE OF LOWLAND PART OF YAIVA RIVER. Bulletin of Perm University. Biology, (3), 355–366. Retrieved from
Author Biography

Иван/Ivan Викторович/V. Поздеев/Pozdeev, Perm Branch FSBSI «GosNIORH»; Perm State University

Candidate of biology, vice-director for Science;Associate professor of Department of invertebrate zoology and aquatic ecology


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