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Ирина/Irina Владиславовна/Vladislavovna Май/May
Екатерина/Ekaterina Вадимовна/Vadimovna Максимова/Maksimova


The results of estimating the number of neglected animals in a large city and an analysis of the relationship between their numbers and the prevalence of zoonotic diseases and injuries among the population are presented. It is shown that in the territory of the regional center for 2017 there are 6 840 homeless dogs and their number has not decreased since 2012. It is proved that about 6-18% of cases of bacterial intestinal infections, cases of mycoses and toxoplasmosis in children and adults in Perm are reliably associated with the number of homeless animals. As every year, up to 1 000-1 100 bites of citizens are registered by neglected animals. Annual damage from the morbidity of the population of the regional center of zoonoses and injuries from bites amounts to more than 18 million rubles, which significantly exceeds the amount of funding allocated by the municipal authorities to regulate the number of homeless animals.

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How to Cite
Май/May И. В., & Максимова/Maksimova Е. В. (2018). MEDICAL AND BIOLOGICAL ASPECTS OF HAVING UNEMPLOYED ANIMALS IN A LARGE CITY (on the example of Perm). Bulletin of Perm University. Biology, (3), 341–346. Retrieved from
Author Biographies

Ирина/Irina Владиславовна/Vladislavovna Май/May, FBSI "Federal Scientific Center for Medical and Preventive Health Risk Management Technologies"; Perm State Univercity

Doctor of biology, professor, Deputy Director for Research Work;Professor of the Department of human ecology and life safety

Екатерина/Ekaterina Вадимовна/Vadimovna Максимова/Maksimova, FBSI "Federal Scientific Center for Medical and Preventive Health Risk Management Technologies"; Perm State Univercity

Laboratory assistant researsher of the Department of the system methods for sanitary analysis and monitoring;Graduate student of biological faculty


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