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Маргарита/Margarita Степановна/S. Алексевнина/Aleksevnina
Елена/Elena Владимировна/V. Преснова/Presnova


The article summarizes the monitoring data and shown changes in the structure of benthocenoses of the central part of Votkinsk reservoir (location «Okhansk»). Current investigation is made on the basis of Kama biological station during the existence of the reservoir (1964-2014). In the early years of a new reservoir bottom communities were dominated by oligochaetes (Tubificidae), so the Votkinsk reservoir is one of the few where wasn't «chironomus stage». In the second half of the 1980th in the zoobenthos of the reservoir, there is a significant decline of oligochaetes ratio and increases the abundance of molluscs. Since the beginning of the XXI century, the structure of benthic communities has changed: there was significant decrease in abundance of molluscs, in particular zebra mussel Dreissena polymorpha (Pallas). At the present stage of the Votkinsk reservoir existence is marked by a certain stabilization of the benthic communities structure, and the leading role (excluding molluscs) of chironomid.

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How to Cite
Алексевнина/Aleksevnina М. С., & Преснова/Presnova Е. В. (2018). CHANGES IN THE BENTHOCENOSES STRUCTURE OF VOTKINSKOE RESERVOIR DURING ITS EXISTENCE (1964-2014). Bulletin of Perm University. Biology, (3), 328–332. Retrieved from
Author Biographies

Маргарита/Margarita Степановна/S. Алексевнина/Aleksevnina, Perm State University

Candidate of biology, professor of the Department of Invertebrate zoology and water ecology

Елена/Elena Владимировна/V. Преснова/Presnova, Perm State University

Cndidate of biology, associate professor of the Department of Invertebrate zoology and water ecology


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