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Ольга/Olga Зиновьевна/Zinovevna Еремченко/Eremchenko
Наталья/Natalia Васильевна/Vasil'evna Митракова/Mitrakova
Игорь/Igor Евгеньевич/Evgenevich Шестаков/Shestakov


The article the approach to the study of highly modified urban and industrial landscapessoil cover on the example of large industrial Solikamsk-Berezniki unit Due to the high horizontal and vertical heterogeneity of soils it is proposed to use the concept"natural-technogenic organization of the soil cover". To assess the state of soil cover method is used for the allocation of techno-pedo complex (IPC) - the combination of soils and technogenic surface formations (TSF) for homogeneous terrain, it is the same parent rocks under similar anthropogenic impact. In Perm region the process of soil formation in landscapes of salt production are in the untypical washing conditions and water regime, why should a certain magnitude of the development of salinity in soils, the specific variety of the degree and composition of salts in the soil profile. Our researches shows that IPC soils and TSF inherit the some properties of natural soils and soil-forming parent rocks. In addition, a variety of components of the soil cover due to the types of anthropogenic impact (mixing, scalping and dumping of soil, the device of the salt dumps, sludge etc.). Soil salinity has reached a level of solonchak, until the formation of secondarysaline soils, the chemism of salinity on the composition of the anions - chloride and sulphate-chloride, the ratio of cations - sodium, potassium-sodium, calcium-sodium. The insoluble salts presence of calcium salts (carbonates, gypsum) in the soil profile may be associated not only with waste, but with the increased migration of carbonates and gypsum of the underlying rocks under the influence of the sodium solution, followed by the process of deposition in solid form. Feature of saline soils (solonchaks) with significant humus content and high absorption capacity is the preservation of actual and exchange acidity.

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How to Cite
Еремченко/Eremchenko О. З., Митракова/Mitrakova Н. В., & Шестаков/Shestakov И. Е. (2018). NATURAL AND TECHNOLOGICAL ORGANIZATION OF A SOIL COVER OF THE AREA OF INFLUENCE OF THE SALTDUMPS AND SLUDGE IN SOLIKAMSK-BEREZNIKI ECONOMIC AREA. Bulletin of Perm University. Biology, (3), 311–320. Retrieved from
Author Biographies

Ольга/Olga Зиновьевна/Zinovevna Еремченко/Eremchenko, Perm State University

Doctor of biology, professor, head of the Department of physiology of plants and microorganisms

Наталья/Natalia Васильевна/Vasil'evna Митракова/Mitrakova, Perm State University

Assistant of department of physiology of plants and microorganisms

Игорь/Igor Евгеньевич/Evgenevich Шестаков/Shestakov, Perm State University

Candidate of biological sciences, associate professor of the Department of physiology of plants and microorganisms


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