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Алексей/Aleksey Евгеньевич/Evgenievich Селиванов/Selivanov


The work contains an annotated list of lichen species found on the territory of the city of Tobolsk, Tyumen region. For each species phytocenotic and ecologo-substrate confinement, frequency of occurrence is indicated. For a single finding, a quote is given. The list contains 101 species of lichens from 51 genera, and 33 families belonging to 14 orders and 4 classes. All species are representatives of the Ascomycota phylum. Information on herbarium samples of the beginning of the 20th century, stored in the Tobolsk Historical and Architectural Museum-Reserve, collected by B.N. Gorodkov and the unknown collector. In these samples, 22 species of lichens were identified. The fact of the absence of some species collected in the early twentieth century in the indicated collection areas in our time is noted.

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How to Cite
Селиванов/Selivanov А. Е. (2018). LICHENS OF THE TOBOLSK CITY (TYUMEN REGION). Bulletin of Perm University. Biology, (3), 250–256. Retrieved from
Author Biography

Алексей/Aleksey Евгеньевич/Evgenievich Селиванов/Selivanov, Perm State Humanitarian Pedagogical University

Candidat of biology, head of the Department of botany


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