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Лидия/Lydia Григорьевна/Grigorjevna Переведенцева/Perevedentseva
Сирануш/Siranush Герасимовна/Gerasimovna Нанагюлян/Nanagulyan


We have summarized the results of long-term studies (including those of foreign scientists) of the species composition of agarics in Suksun district (the Perm Territory) by a route method. Suksun district has unique natural conditions: the Western part of it belongs to Kungur forest-steppe with small areas of birch and aspen forests, while the Central and Eastern parts of the district are located in the strip of mixed deciduous-coniferous forests composed of boreal and nemoral arboreal plants. As a result of the researches, there have been found 97 species of agarics that belong to 3 orders, 21 families and 54 genera. Besides, 2 species {Lactarius semisanguifluus and Hebeloma pumilum) have been found in the Perm Territory for the first time. Amanita phalloides, Boletus luridus (status Ш) and Phyllotopsis nidulans are on the Perm Territory Red List (see the Attachment). On the one hand, biota of agarics is typical for forest-steppe area, as evidenced by the predominance of species of the families Agaricaceae and Strophariaceae. On the other hand, it has characteristics of boreal (there is a large number of the families Tricholomataceae, Cortinariaceae and the genus Cortinarius) and nemoral (the genus Amanita) forest cenoses. Fungi of Suksun district belong to 11 ecotro-phical groups. Mycorrhiza-forming mushrooms prevail (43%> of all the mushrooms), they are symbiotic with various coniferous and deciduous arboreal plants. A large number of humus saprotrophs (16%) indicates to recreational pressure on forest cenoses. However, taking into account a significant number of litter saprotrophs (33%o), recreational pressure is minor. There are 42 species of edible, 10 species of poisonous and 45 species of inedible mushrooms in Suksun district.

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How to Cite
Переведенцева/Perevedentseva Л. Г., & Нанагюлян/Nanagulyan С. Г. (2018). AGARICS OF SUKSUN DISTRICT OF THE PERM TERRITORY. Bulletin of Perm University. Biology, (3), 245–249. Retrieved from
Author Biographies

Лидия/Lydia Григорьевна/Grigorjevna Переведенцева/Perevedentseva, Perm State University

Doctor of biology, professor of the Department of botany and genetics of plants

Сирануш/Siranush Герасимовна/Gerasimovna Нанагюлян/Nanagulyan, Yerevan State University

Doctor of biology, Head of Chair of botany and mycology


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