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Татьяна/Tatyana Николаевна/Nikolaevna Кузьмина/Kuzmina


A comparative analysis of long-styled and short-styled flowers of the distylous species of the Crimean flora Jasminum fruticans L. {Oleaceae) is given. The differences of the corolla length, anthers and stigma heights, stigma-anther separation and pollen grains were found for two plants morphological forms. The stamens, anthers and pollen grains are larger in short-styled flowers. The cytomorphological analysis of pollen grains of J. fruticans flower two morph did not reveal the significant differences between the proportions of morphologically normal pollen grains (about 80%). The state of male gametophyte J. fruticans shows absence of lethal anomalies of its development. A cytomorphological status of pollen does not depend on the morphs of the flower. The functionality of male generative sphere of long-styled and short-styled flowers is equal.

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How to Cite
Кузьмина/Kuzmina Т. Н. (2018). THE DIMORPHISM OF FLOWERS OF JASMINUM FRUTICANS L. (OLEACEAE). Bulletin of Perm University. Biology, (3), 233–239. Retrieved from
Author Biography

Татьяна/Tatyana Николаевна/Nikolaevna Кузьмина/Kuzmina, FSFIS «Nikitsky Botanical Gardens - National Scientific Center RAS»

Candidate of biology Sciences, Senior Research Fellow, Laboratory of Plants Reproductive Biology and Physiology


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