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Олег/Oleg Владимирович/Vladimirovich Долгих/Dolgikh
Александр/Alexandr Владимирович/Vladimirovich Кривцов/Krivtsov
Ксения/Ksenia Геннадьевна/Gennadiyevna Старкова/Starkova
Дмитрий/Dmitri Владимирович/Vladimirovich Ланин/Lanin
Ольга/Olga Алексеевна/Alekseevna Бубнова/Bubnova
Дина/Dina Гумерова/Gumerovna Дианова/Dianova
Елена/Elena Алексеевна/Alekseevna Отавина/Otavina
Инга/Inga Николаевна/Nicolaevna Аликина/Alikina


The aim of the research was to study the polymorphism of candidate genes in non-ferrous metallurgy workers, operating in night shifts regime. Genetic analysis is carried out using the polymerase chain reaction in real time with the evaluation results by the allelic discrimination. SNP-established violations according to the criterion of occurrence of variant alleles of genes of phase 1 detoxification, neuro-endocrine regulation and oncogenesis (excess performance comparison group for each group of genes in 1.5 times), the functions of carbohydrate and energy metabolism (in excess of the comparison group index of 2.0 times). Evaluation of immune status showed that the mode of work night shifts with conditions promote inhibition of the expression CD16 +, CD127- (1.2-1.5 times relative to the control group) and transcriptional activation of intracellular proteins Bcl-2 and bax (1.8-fold relative to the control group). Indicators of immune regulation (CD127-, Bcl-2, bax), as well as the Candidate alleles of genes CYP1A1 (1506C/T), TP53 (rs17884159), PPaARG (rs2016520) recommended for use as a marker of early indicators of health problems when working night shifts.

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How to Cite
Долгих/Dolgikh О. В., Кривцов/Krivtsov А. В., Старкова/Starkova К. Г., Ланин/Lanin Д. В., Бубнова/Bubnova О. А., Дианова/Dianova Д. Г., Отавина/Otavina Е. А., & Аликина/Alikina И. Н. (2018). FEATURES OF GENETIC AND IMMUNOLOGICAL PARAMETERS IN THE WORKERS OF CONTINUOUS PRODUCTION CYCLE. Bulletin of Perm University. Biology, (2), 210–215. Retrieved from https://press.psu.ru/index.php/bio/article/view/1856
Клиническая лабораторная диагностика
Author Biographies

Олег/Oleg Владимирович/Vladimirovich Долгих/Dolgikh, FBSI «FSC for Medical and Preventive Health Risk Management Technologies»; Perm State University; Perm National Research Polytechnic University

Doctor of medical sciences, head of the Department of immunobiological diagnostic methods;Professor of the Department of human ecology and life safety;Professor of the Department of environmental protection

Александр/Alexandr Владимирович/Vladimirovich Кривцов/Krivtsov, FBSI «FSC for Medical and Preventive Health Risk Management Technologies»

Candidate of medical sciences, head of the laboratory of immunogenetics

Ксения/Ksenia Геннадьевна/Gennadiyevna Старкова/Starkova, FBSI «FSC for Medical and Preventive Health Risk Management Technologies»

Candidate of medical sciences head of the laboratory of immunology and allergology

Дмитрий/Dmitri Владимирович/Vladimirovich Ланин/Lanin, FBSI «FSC for Medical and Preventive Health Risk Management Technologies»; Perm State University

Doctor of medical sciences, leading researcher of the Department of immunobiological diagnostic methods;Professor of the Department of human ecology and life safety

Ольга/Olga Алексеевна/Alekseevna Бубнова/Bubnova, FBSI «FSC for Medical and Preventive Health Risk Management Technologies»

Junior researcher of the laboratory of immunogenetics; graduate student

Дина/Dina Гумерова/Gumerovna Дианова/Dianova, FBSI «FSC for Medical and Preventive Health Risk Management Technologies»

Candidate of medical sciences, senior researcher at the Laboratory of cellular diagnostic methods

Елена/Elena Алексеевна/Alekseevna Отавина/Otavina, FBSI «FSC for Medical and Preventive Health Risk Management Technologies»

Junior researcher of the laboratory of immunogenetics; graduate student

Инга/Inga Николаевна/Nicolaevna Аликина/Alikina, FBSI «FSC for Medical and Preventive Health Risk Management Technologies»; Perm State University

Clinical research assistant of the laboratory of immunogenetics;Undergraduate of biological faculty


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