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Екатерина/Ekaterina Михайловна/M. Гордина/Gordina
Эдуард/Edward Семенович/S. Горовиц/Horowitz
Светлана/Svetlana Валерьевна/V. Поспелова/Pospelova


92 healthy subjects were examined on staphylococcal bacteriocarrier. 113 strains of staphylococci, including S. aureus - 27, coagulase-negative staphylococci (CNS) - 86 were isolated from the mucous of the nose and throat. Resistance to lysozyme and biofilm formation ability isolates of staphylococcus, and the relationship of the studied factors were estimated. Cultures S. aureus differed more pronounced resistance to the action of lysozyme compared with CNS (the differences are statistically significant). About half of all tested cultures were characterized by a high degree of expression of biofilm formation. At the same strains with weak activity biofilm formation mainly occurred among CNS. An analysis of the interdependence of degree of resistance to lysozyme and the intensity of biofilm formation showed that all studied strains of staphylococci, the degree of manifestation of resistance to the action of lysozyme and the intensity of the biofilm formation are inversely related (r = -0,35). In other words, in strains with a high degree of resistance to lysozyme usually recorded low degree of biofilm formation. It is found that in the presence of lysozyme biofilms formed by different staphylococcal species, are less pronounced in comparison with the control. The studies found that all studied strains of staphylococci are characterized by resistance to lysozyme and the ability to form a biofilm of varying severity. Also found an inverse correlation between the studied factors of persistence. We also show the value of lysozyme, as a factor in reducing biofilm formation of staphylococcus.

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How to Cite
Гордина/Gordina Е. М., Горовиц/Horowitz Э. С., & Поспелова/Pospelova С. В. (2018). FACTORS PERSISTENCE OF STAPHYLOCOCCI ISOLATED FROM BACTERmCARRIERS. Bulletin of Perm University. Biology, (2), 205–209. Retrieved from https://press.psu.ru/index.php/bio/article/view/1855
Клиническая лабораторная диагностика
Author Biographies

Екатерина/Ekaterina Михайловна/M. Гордина/Gordina, St. Petersburg State Pediatric Medical University

MD, PhD, Senior Lecturer Department of Microbiology, Virology and Immunology

Эдуард/Edward Семенович/S. Горовиц/Horowitz, Perm Medical State University named by acad. E.A. Vagner

PhD in medicine, professor, head department of microbiology, virology with the course of clinical laboratory diagnostic

Светлана/Svetlana Валерьевна/V. Поспелова/Pospelova, Perm Medical State University named by acad. E.A. Vagner

PhD in medicine, assistant professor of microbiology, virology with the course of clinical laboratory diagnostic


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