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Никита/Nikita Александрович/Aleksandrovich Мартыненко/Martynenko


We studied the species composition of algoflora of Yaiva, Volim, Chernaya and Lеnva rivers of Perm krai in this article. A check-list of algae and cyanoprokaryota presented, it includes 300 taxa below the genus from 106 genera, 59 families, 33 orders and 7 divisions. The diatoms have composed most of the species diversity; the leading families: Fragilariaceae, Bacillariaceae and Cymbellaceae. Most of identified taxa are benthic forms with a world-wide area. Most of them is indifferent and halophilic in relation to salinity, alkaliphilic and indifferent with respect to pH and в-meso and oligosaprobic towards saprobity. Dendrograms of studied rivers, based on Sorensen-Czekanowski's index of similarity of biocenosis, presented in this paper.

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How to Cite
Мартыненко/Martynenko Н. А. (2018). ALGOFLORA OF THE RIVERS OF PERMSKIY KRAI UNDER ANTHROPOGENIC SALINIZATION OF POTASSIUM PRODUCTION WASTES. Bulletin of Perm University. Biology, (2), 145–158. Retrieved from
Author Biography

Никита/Nikita Александрович/Aleksandrovich Мартыненко/Martynenko, FSSE «Berg State Research Institute on Lake and River Fisheries», Perm Branch; Perm State University

Laboratorian;Graduate student of the biology faculty


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