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Евгения/Evgenija Ивановна/Ivanovna Демьянова/Demyanova


We represent the results of our study of anthecology and seed production of gynodioecic Salvia nemorosa L. (Lamiaceae) in the Urals. The study was occurred in the Chelyabinsk region (Zauralie) and Perm region (Priuralie). We studied the duration of flowering of hermaphroditic and female plants. Flowering of the female plants is more energetic. The period of female plants flowering is shorter and occurs during the period of flowering of hermaphroditic plants which are the donors of pollen. The opening of anthers of hermaphroditic flowers was marked before the flowering. Hermaphroditic flowers show the significant variability of pollen fertility. Autogamy of these flowers is complicated with protandry. Experiments on artificial crossing explained the probability of self pollination as heitonogamy. Hermaphroditic plants combine cross pollination and self pollination. Female plants with androsterile flowers have only cross pollination. In both regions the seed production per flower is higher in hermaphroditic forms than in female forms, the seed germination and seed weight are higher in female forms. Years of research showed the sustainability of Salvia nemorosa in climate conditions of the Urals. Salvia nemorosa is recommended for introduction in the Urals as essential oil, medicinal and decorative plant.

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How to Cite
Демьянова/Demyanova Е. И. (2018). ANTHECOLOGY AND SEED PRODUCTION OF SALVIA NEMOROSA L. (LAMIACEAE) INTRODUCTED IN THE URALS. Bulletin of Perm University. Biology, (2), 135–144. Retrieved from
Author Biography

Евгения/Evgenija Ивановна/Ivanovna Демьянова/Demyanova, Perm State University

Doctor of biology, professor of the Department of botany and plant genetics


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