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Светлана/Svetlana Юрьевна/Yurievna Баландина/Balandina
Ирина/Irina Петровна/Petrovna Чарушина/Charushina
Галина/Galina Арсентьевна/Arsentyevna Александрова/Aleksandrova
Нина/Nina Ивановна/Ivanovna Маркович/Markovich


The article presents the results of evaluation of the comparative effectiveness of disinfectants in a comparative experimental study. The efficiency of disinfectants was evaluated on the basis of the results of microbiological re-search of objects in hospital environment on the number of bacteria of intestinal Bacillus group (BGCP), entero-cocci, yeasts and molds before and 30 min after disinfection. 26 objects were investigated (ventilation and door handles in hospital wards) before and after disinfection with working solutions of disinfectants. Higher efficiency of disinfectant № 2 (the active ingredient 2-methyl-5-[di-(trifloromethyl)oxymethyl] furan-8% ethanol) was es-tablished in comparison with disinfectant № 1 (active substance sodium salt of dichloroisocyanuric acid (80%)). Correction of the package insert of disinfectant № 1 was proposed.

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How to Cite
Баландина/Balandina С. Ю., Чарушина/Charushina И. П., Александрова/Aleksandrova Г. А., & Маркович/Markovich Н. И. (2018). COMPARATIVE EVALUATION OF EFFICACY OF DISINFECTANTS AT CARRYING OUT OF CURRENT DISINFECTION IN A HOSPITAL FOR HIV-INFECTED PATIENTS. Bulletin of Perm University. Biology, (1), 99–103. Retrieved from
Клиническая лабораторная диагностика
Author Biographies

Светлана/Svetlana Юрьевна/Yurievna Баландина/Balandina, Perm State University

Head of laboratory of Department of natural and biologically active compounds

Ирина/Irina Петровна/Petrovna Чарушина/Charushina, Perm State Medical University after E. A. Wagner

Candidate of medical Sciences, associate Professor of infectious diseases

Галина/Galina Арсентьевна/Arsentyevna Александрова/Aleksandrova, Perm State University

A research assistant of Department of natural and biologically active compounds

Нина/Nina Ивановна/Ivanovna Маркович/Markovich, FBSI "Federal Scientific Center for Medical and Preventive Health Risk Management Technologies"

Doctor of medical Sciences, leading researcher of the laboratory of methods of analysis of external risks


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