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Марина/Marina Анатольевна/Anatol'evna Черткова/Chertkova
Сергей/Sergej Анатольевич/Anatol'evich Шумихин/Shumikhin


This article describes the features of seed capacity of 4 Gladiolus L. species (Gladiolus × hybridus hort., Gl. dalenii Van Geel subsp. dalenii, Gl. murielae Kelway, Gl. tenuis Bieb.). All studied species are found to be able to tie the seeds in the West Ural area. The cross-pollination of Gl.×hybridus and Gl. tenuis shows the best values for indicators of seed capacity in different pollination types. Xenogamy has greater impact in seed capacity with free pollination than autogamy. The results of seed capacity obtained in this study is supported by anthecology results. Autogamy may occur when cross-pollination fails on the 4-5th flowering stages. Pollen of all studied gladiolus species has high fertility rate which is sufficient for successful pollination.

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How to Cite
Черткова/Chertkova М. А., & Шумихин/Shumikhin С. А. (2018). SEED CAPACITY OF GLADIOLUS L. SPECIES INTRODUCED AT THE WEST URAL AREA. Bulletin of Perm University. Biology, (1), 43–47. Retrieved from
Author Biographies

Марина/Marina Анатольевна/Anatol'evna Черткова/Chertkova, Perm State University

Postgraduate student of the Department of botany and plant genetics

Сергей/Sergej Анатольевич/Anatol'evich Шумихин/Shumikhin, Perm State University

Candidate of biology, director Botanical Garden


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