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Лидия/Lydia Григорьевна/Grigorjevna Переведенцева/Perevedentseva
Виталий/Witalij Сергеевич/Sergeevich Боталов/Botalov
Александр/Aleksandr Сергеевич/Sergeevich Шишигин/Shishigin


At present about 900 species and intraspecific taxa are revealed in the Perm Territory, five of them are in-cluded into the Red Book of the Perm Territory - milkweed among them (Lactarius volemus (Fr.) Fr.), status III. This rare mycorrhizal mushroom has symbiotic relationships with the roots of broad-leaved trees. The mushroom dwells in the broad-leaved and mixed forests. Protected species of the fungi have been monitored since 2006. Five milkweed habitats have been found in the Perm Territory: 1 - Barda Re-gion (the outskirts of Barda settlement); 2 - Barda Region (specially protected nature area “Dubovaya Gora”); 3 - Perm Region (Kommunar settlement); 4 - Chaikovsky Region (Buryonka settlement); 5 - Kungur Region (specially protected nature area “Preduralye”). Planned observations were made in 2007, 2010 and 2014. The largest number of the fungi was found in 2006 in the specially protected nature area “Dubovaya Gora”. Lactarius volemus in the Perm Territory has a satisfactory state. The mushroom is pro-tected in “Dubovaya Gora” and “Preduralye”. It is necessary to find new habitats of this species in the Perm Territory and conduct stationary researches.

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How to Cite
Переведенцева/Perevedentseva Л. Г., Боталов/Botalov В. С., & Шишигин/Shishigin А. С. (2018). MONITORING OF PROTECTED MUSHROOMS OF THE PERM TERRITORY: LACTARIUS VOLEMUS (FR.) FR. - MILKWEED. Bulletin of Perm University. Biology, (1), 37–42. Retrieved from
Author Biographies

Лидия/Lydia Григорьевна/Grigorjevna Переведенцева/Perevedentseva, Perm State University

Doctor of biology, professor of Department of botany and genetics of plants

Виталий/Witalij Сергеевич/Sergeevich Боталов/Botalov, Perm State University

Graduate student of the biological faculty

Александр/Aleksandr Сергеевич/Sergeevich Шишигин/Shishigin, Perm State University

Graduate student of the biological faculty


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