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Сергей/Sergej Александрович/Aleksandrovich Овеснов/Ovesnov
Елена/Elena Герасимовна/Gerasimovna Ефимик/Efimik
Татьяна/Tatyana Валентиновна/Valentinovna Козьминых/Kozminykh


Reserve "Preduralye" is one of the oldest protected areas located in the South-East of the Perm re-gion. In 1943 it was established as Kungur reserve "Preduralye" at Perm state University. After the elimination of the reserve on its territory was organized complex reserve "Preduralye", exists at the present time. During this time were published two lists of flora (Krjuger, Krjuger, Selivanov, 1949; belkovskaya, 1988), as well as a few additions to these lists. Only on the territory of the reserve "Preduralye" currently identified 825 species of vascular plants belonging to 387 genera and 97 families. The procedure leading families talks about the forest character of the flora of the area. There are 7 species listed in the Red book of the Russian Federation and 8 species in the Red data book of the Perm region.

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How to Cite
Овеснов/Ovesnov С. А., Ефимик/Efimik Е. Г., & Козьминых/Kozminykh Т. В. (2018). CHECKLIST OF THE FLORA OF THE RESERVE "PREDURALYE" (PERM REGION). Bulletin of Perm University. Biology, (1), 21–36. Retrieved from
Author Biographies

Сергей/Sergej Александрович/Aleksandrovich Овеснов/Ovesnov, Perm State University

Doctor of biology, professor of Department of botany and genetics of plants

Елена/Elena Герасимовна/Gerasimovna Ефимик/Efimik, Perm State University

Candidate of biology, associate professor of Department of botany and genetics of plants

Татьяна/Tatyana Валентиновна/Valentinovna Козьминых/Kozminykh, Perm State University

Candidate of biology, senior lecturer of Department of botany and genetics of plants


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