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Наталья/Natalya Сергеевна/Sergeevna Глебездина/Glebezdina
Ирина/Irina Валерьевна/Valeryevna Некрасова/Nekrasova
Анна/Anna Александровна/Alexandrovna Олина/Olina
Елена/Elena Михайловна/Michajlovna Куклина/Kuklina


The study of the role of endogenous melatonin in the regulation of Th17 differentiation during pregnancy was carried out. The objects of the study were leukocytes of women in the trimester I of pregnancy, as well as leukocytes of healthy non-pregnant women of reproductive age. The influence of endogenous me-latonin was determined by culturing lymphocytes in the presence of autologous serum with blockade of melatonin-dependent signals using inhibitor of membrane melatonin receptor (MT). The percentage of CD4 + T-cells expressing RORyi and the expression level of this transcription factor, defined as the Middle Fluorescence Intensity (MFI) ex vivo, as well as after 48 hours of culture were studied by flow cy-tometry using appropriate monoclonal antibodies for surface and intracellular staining. As a result, differences in the groups of pregnant and nonpregnant women according to the level of RORyi expression (MFI) were revealed. Wherein the study of Th17 cells percent both ex vivo and in the activation process did not find significant differences between the groups. Despite the fact that the effect of melatonin through surface receptor (MT) were observed in both groups under study percent of CD4+RORyt+ lymphocytes, the impact of the hormone in the regulation of MFI was found only in pregnant women. It likely to be connected with the involvement of the intracellular receptor for the hormone - RORa.

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How to Cite
Глебездина/Glebezdina Н. С., Некрасова/Nekrasova И. В., Олина/Olina А. А., & Куклина/Kuklina Е. М. (2018). STUDY OF THE ROLE OF MELATONIN IN THE CONTROL OF TH17 DEVELOPMENT DURING THE GESTATION PERIOD. Bulletin of Perm University. Biology, (3), 283–286. Retrieved from
Клиническая лабораторная диагностика
Author Biographies

Наталья/Natalya Сергеевна/Sergeevna Глебездина/Glebezdina, Institute of Ecology and Genetics of Microorganism UB RAS

Candidate of biology, junior researcher of laboratoryimmunoregulation

Ирина/Irina Валерьевна/Valeryevna Некрасова/Nekrasova, Institute of Ecology and Genetics of Microorganism UB RAS

Candidate of biology, researcher of laboratory immunoregulation

Анна/Anna Александровна/Alexandrovna Олина/Olina, Perm State Medical University after E. A. Wagner

Doctor of medical sciences, professor, associate professor, of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology

Елена/Elena Михайловна/Michajlovna Куклина/Kuklina, Institute of Ecology and Genetics of Microorganism UB RAS

Doctor of biology, leading researcher of laboratory immunoregulation


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Jadidi-Niaragh F., Mirshafiey A. Thl7 cell, the new player of neuroinflammatory process in multiple sclerosis. Scandinavian Journal of Immunology. V. 74. N. 1 (2011): pp. 1-13.

Lanoix D., Guerin P., Vaillancourt C. Placental melatonin production and melatonin receptor expression are altered in preeclampsia: new insights into the role of this hormone in pregnancy. Journal of Pineal Research. V. 53. N. 4 (2012): pp. 417-425.

Liu Y.S., Wu L., Tong X.H., Wu L.M., He G.P., Zhou G.X., Luo L.H., Luán H.B. Study on the relationship between Thl7 cells and unexplained recurrent spontaneous abortion. American Journal of Reproductive Immunology. V. 65. N. 5 (2011): pp. 503-511.

Reiter R.J., Tan D.X., Rosales-Corral S., Manchester L.C. The universal nature, unequal distribution and antioxidant functions of melatonin and its derivatives. Mini-reviews in Medicinal Chemistry. V. 13. N. 3 (2013): pp. 373-384.

Tamura H., Nakamura Y., Terrón M.P., Flores L.J., Manchester L.C., Tan D.X., Sugino N., Reiter R.J. Melatonin and pregnancy in the human. Reproductive Toxicology. V. 25. N. 3 (2008): pp. 291-303.

Wang F.W., Wang Z., Zhang Y.M., Du Z.X., Zhang X.L., Liu Q., Guo Y.J., Li X.G., Hao A.J. Protective effect of melatonin on bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells against hydrogen peroxide-induced apoptosis in vitro. Journal of Cellular Biochemistry. V. 114. N. 10 (2013): pp. 2346-2355.

Wu L., Luo L.H., Zhang Y.X., Li Q., Xu В., Zhou G.X., Luan H.B., Liu Y.S. Alteration of Thl7 and Treg cells in patients with unexplained recurrent spontaneous abortion before and after lymphocyte immunization therapy. Reproductive Biology and Endocrinology. V. 12 (2014): p. 74.

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