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Лариса/Larisa Алексеевна/Alekseevna Чудинова/Chudinova
Роман/Roman Владимирович/Vladimirovich Кайгородов/Kaigorodov
Вера/Vera Владимировна/Vladimirovna Пархоменко/Parhomenko
Анастасия/Anastasiya Владимировна/Vladimirovna Ощепкова/Oschepkova


The investigations of organic acids metabolism in plants are important for understanding of interrelation between carbohydrate and nitrogen metabolisms. The role of aliphatic acids for resistance to temperature influence and hardening of plants is insufficiently investigated. In this study were cold-acclimatisation (10°C, 1 day) and heat-acclimatisation (30°C, 1 day) of pea seedlings added by hyperthermia (40°C, 1 week) defined. In plant at different stages of acclimatisation were growth and concentration of aliphatic carbon acids determined. Aliphatic carbon acids (oxalate, citrate and fumarate) were using high performance liquid chromatography with UV-detections and gradient elution determined. Our results show that aliphatic acids participate in heat-acclimatisation and especially cold-acclimatisation to hyperthermia. The value of aliphatic acids in process of acclimatisation and protection from heating depends from stages of adaptation and plant species.

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Чудинова/Chudinova Л. А., Кайгородов/Kaigorodov Р. В., Пархоменко/Parhomenko В. В., & Ощепкова/Oschepkova А. В. (2018). DYNAMIC OF ORGANIC ACIDS IN PEA SEEDLINGS UNDER HUPERTHERMIA DEPENDING ON HEAT AND COLD HARDENING. Bulletin of Perm University. Biology, (3), 277–282. Retrieved from https://press.psu.ru/index.php/bio/article/view/1820
Author Biographies

Лариса/Larisa Алексеевна/Alekseevna Чудинова/Chudinova, Perm State University

Associate professor of the Department of plant physiology and microorganisms

Роман/Roman Владимирович/Vladimirovich Кайгородов/Kaigorodov, Perm State University

PhD, associate professor of the Department of plant physiology and microorganisms

Вера/Vera Владимировна/Vladimirovna Пархоменко/Parhomenko, Perm State University

Student of Biological faculty

Анастасия/Anastasiya Владимировна/Vladimirovna Ощепкова/Oschepkova, Perm State University

Student of Biological faculty


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